目 次
国立科学博物館研究報告 D類(人類学)
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology) |
発行年月 ページ
研究報告 D類(人類学) 第34巻
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology) Volume 34
December 2008
河野礼子・諏訪 元: |
P.1 |
現生ヒトと類人猿の大臼歯エナメル質分布—咬合面窩対歯冠側面の比較を通じて—(英文) |
Reiko T. Kono and Gen Suwa: |
Enamel distribution patterns of extant human and hominoid molars: occlusal versus lateral enamel thickness |
篠田謙一・土肥直美: |
P.11 |
潮原古墓群出土人骨のミトコンドリアDNA分析—列島最西端集団の遺伝的特徴—(英文) |
Ken-ici Shinoda and Naomi Doi: |
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Suubaru old tomb—genetic characteristics of westernmost island of Japan |
溝口優司: |
P.19 |
頭蓋最大長・最大幅と強い関連をもつ脳頭蓋計測値—短頭化現象問題の解決に向けて—(英文) |
Yuji Mizoguchi: |
Neurocranial measurements strongly associated with cranial length and breadth: Toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem |
坂上和弘: |
43 |
膝蓋骨に基づく新たな性・年齢推定法(英文) |
Kazuhiro Sakaue: |
New method for diagnosis of the sex and age-at-death of an adult human skeleton from the patella |