目 次
国立科学博物館研究報告 E類(理工学)
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering)
発行年月 ページ
研究報告 E類(理工学) 第37巻
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 37 |
December 2014 |
P.1 |
日本無線株式会社研究録の保存とその無線技術史における意義 |
Masahiro Maejima:
Conservation of the Technical Surveys and Research Reports in Japan Radio Co. Ltd. and Its Importance for the History of Wireless Technology. |
P.13 |
江戸時代初期の八丁撚糸機開発と縮緬の発達 |
Yoshikazu Tanabe: |
Development of Hatcho-Throwing-Machine and Chirimen Fabrics in Early Edo Period |
有賀暢迪・亀井 修:
P.25 |
科学技術白書に見る「技術革新」の意味合いの変遷 |
Nobumichi Ariga and Osamu Kamei: |
Historical Changes in the Meanings of “Gijutsu-Kakushin” seen from the Japanese White Paper on the Science and Technology. |
P.43 |
中世大友府内町跡出土金属加工関連遺物の非破壊分析 |
Takahiko Kutsuna: |
Non-destructive Analysis of Remains Related to Metalworking Unearthed from the Medieval “Otomo Funai” |