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国立科学博物館研究報告 A類(動物学)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) |
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研究報告 A類(動物学) 第24巻第1号
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) Volume 24 Number 1 |
March 1998 |
三橋雅子・武田正倫: |
P.1 |
タイワンモシオエビ(新称)の学名について(英文) |
Masako Mitsuhashi and Masatsune Takeda: |
Coralliocaris taiwanensis Fujino & Miyake, 1972 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Natantia, Palaemonidae), a Pontoniine Shrimp Associated with Coral, as a Senior Synonym of C. pavonae Bruce, 1972 |
Ng, P. K. L.・武田正倫: |
P.7 |
伊豆マリアナ島弧新記録のヒメメンコヒシガニ(新称)(英文) |
Peter K. L. Ng and Masatsune Takeda: |
Aethra edentata Edmondson, 1951 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Parthenopidae), New Records for the Izu-Mariana Arch |
朝比奈正二郎: |
P.11 |
ヴェトナム北部のトンボに関する追加ノート.1.オニヤンマ科(英文) |
Syoziro Asahina: |
Further Notes on Odonata from Northern Vietnam. 1. Cordulegasteridae |
篠原明彦: |
P.17 |
中国産Pamphilius属(ハチ目,ヒラタハバチ科)の1新種(英文) |
Akihiko Shinohara: |
Pamphilius nitidiceps, a New Species of Leaf-rolling Sawfly (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) from China |
Zinovjev, A. G.: |
P.23 |
日本産Nematus属(ハチ目,ハバチ科)の1新種(英文) |
Alexey G. Zinovjev: |
A New Species of the Sawfly Genus Nematus (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from Hokkaido, Japan |
富樫一次: |
P.27 |
日本産Masaakia属(ハチ目,ハバチ科)の1新種(英文) |
lchiji Togashi: |
A New Species of the Sawfly Genus Masaakia (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from Hokkaido, Japan
宮崎信之・藤瀬良弘・岩田一夫: |
P.31 |
宮崎県青島海岸に集団漂着したカズハゴンドウの生物学的解析(英文) |
Nobuyuki Miyazaki, Yoshihiro Fujise and Kazuo lwata: |
Biological Analysis of a Mass Stranding of Melon-headed Whales (Peponocephala electra) at Aoshima, Japan |
飯沼康子・遠藤秀紀・間曽佐知子・西田隆雄: |
P.61 |
口永良部島産シカ頭蓋の骨計測学的研究(英文) |
Yasuko Iinuma, Hideki Endo, Sachiko Maso and Takao Nishida: |
Osteometry of a Skull of Sika Deer in Kuchinoerabu Island, Southwestern Japan