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国立科学博物館研究報告 A類(動物学)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) |
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研究報告 A類(動物学) 第25巻第1号
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) Volume 25 Number 1 |
March 1999 |
町田昌昭・倉持利明: |
P.1 |
日本近海および周辺海域産のフグ目魚類から得られた二生吸虫類(英文) |
Masaaki MACHIDA and Toshiaki Kuramochi: |
Digenean Trematodes from Tetraodontiform Fishes from Japanese and Adjacent Waters |
嶋津 武・橋本健一: |
P.27 |
日本産淡水魚類から得られた二生吸虫Allocreadium属(Allocreadiidae)の一新種(英文) |
Takeshi Shimazu and Ken-ichi Hashimoto: |
A New Species of the Genus Allocreadium (Digenea, Allocreadiidae) from Freshwater Fishes of Japan |
石塚小太郎: |
P.33 |
東京産フトミミズ属の新種―腸盲嚢が指状の種(英文) |
Kotaro Ishizuka: |
New Species of the Genus Pheretima s. lat. (Annelida, Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae) from Tokyo, Japan-Species with Manicate Intestinal Caeca |
小松浩典・武田正倫: |
P.59 |
琉球諸島で得られたコブシガニ科の1新種(英文) |
Hironori Komatsu and Masatsune Takeda: |
A New Leucosiid Crab of the Genus Nursia from the Ryukyu Islands |
篠原明彦: |
P.65 |
中国陜西省のOnycholyda属ヒラタハバチ類(ハチ目,ヒラタハバチ科)(英文) |
Akihiko Shinohara: |
Leaf-rolling Sawflies of the Genus Onycholyda (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) from Shaanxi Province, China |
加納六郎・倉橋 弘: |
P.73 |
ニホンクロニクバエの雌の発見(英文) |
Rokuro Kano and Hiromu Kurahashi: |
Discovery of the Female of Heteronychia nipponensis Shinonaga & Matsudaira (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)
岩槻幸雄・Ukkrit Satapoomin・松浦啓一: |
P.79 |
イサキ科魚類の稀種Pomadasys andamanensis McKay & Satapoomin, 1994と縦線をもつミゾイサキ属魚類との比較(英文) |
Yukio Iwatsuki, Ukkrit Satapoomin and Keiichi Matsuura: |
The Rare Haemulid Fish, Pomadasys andamanensis McKay & Satapoomin, 1994, and Comparisons with Other Striped Species of Pomadasys (Teleostei, Perciformes)