目 次 国立科学博物館研究報告 A類(動物学) 増補 Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science A (Zoology) Supplement
発行年月 ページ
研究報告 A類(動物学) 増補 第7号
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series A (Zoology) Supplent7 |
March 2013 |
松浦啓一・木村清志: |
P.i |
New Fishes of Japan: Part 5 |
Keiichi Matsuura and Seishi Kimura: |
New Fishes of Japan: Part 5 |
永野優季・遠藤広光・矢部 衞: |
P.1 |
Yuki Nagano, Hiromitsu Endo and Mamoru Yabe: |
Hoplichthys mimaseanus, a New Ghost Flathead from East Asia and Western Australia (Teleostei: Hoplichthyidae) |
遠藤広光・劔物健太: |
P.11 |
Hiromitsu Endo and Kenta Kenmotsu: |
Suttonia coccinea, a New Grammistine Fish from Japan (Acanthopterygii: Serranidae) |
平松 亘・遠藤広光: |
P.19 |
Wataru Hiramatsu and Hiromitsu Endo: |
Opistognathus trimaculatus, a New Jawfish (Teleostei: Opistognathidae) from Tosa Bay, Japan |
渋川浩一・井田 齊: |
P.25 |
Koichi Shibukawa and Hitoshi Ida: |
Ammodytoides kanazawai, a New Species of Sand Lance (Perciformes: Ammodytidae) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan |
渋川浩一・岩田明久: |
P.31 |
Koichi Shibukawa and Akihisa Iwata: |
Review of the East Asian Gobiid Genus Chaeturichthys (Teleostei: Perciformes: Gobioidei), with Description of a New Species |
鈴木寿之・瀬能 宏: |
P.53 |
Toshiyuki Suzuki and Hiroshi Senou: |
Review of the Sand-diving Goby Genus Parkraemeria (Perciformes: Gobiidae), with Descriptions of Two New Species from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan |