濱尾 章二 Shoji Hamao
- Hamao, S., 2024. A predator-elicited vocalization in male Japanese bush warblers: temporal and spatial singing patterns in relation to presence of conspecific females. Zoological Science. (epub on 2024/10/28)
- Hamao, S., (2024). A vocalization in male Japanese bush warblers in response to both predators and conspecific females. Ethology130(2): e13422.
- Hamao, S., 2022. Acoustic characteristics of songs in a recently established population of the Japanese bush warbler on an oceanic island. Zoological Science 39: 521–528.
- 濱尾章二・那須義次, 2022. 鳥の巣と昆虫の関係:鳥の繁殖活動が昆虫の生息場所を作り出す.日本鳥学会誌, 71: 13–20.
- Hamao, S., 2021. Effect of sympatry on discrimination of heterospecific song by varied tits. Animal Behaviour 180: 307-314.
- Hamao, S., Torikai, H., Yoshikawa, M., Yamamoto, Y. and Ijichi, T., 2021. Risk-taking behaviour of bull-headed shrikes that recently colonized islands. Current Zoology, 67: 177–182.
- Hamao, S., Inoue, A. and Kamito, T., 2020. Relationships among song characteristics in Japanese tits. Journal of Ethology 38: 383–387.
- Hamao, S., 2018. Differences in vocalizations of Japanese bush warblers on Chichijima and Hahajima in the Ogasawara Islands. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A (Zoology), 44: 125-132.
- 濱尾章二・山本裕・鳥飼久裕・伊地知告・吉川翠, 2018. 自然移入した喜界島のモズ個体群の繁殖生態. Strix, 34: 69-80.
- Hamao, S., Komatsu, H. and Shinohara, M., 2018. Geographic variation in Yellow Bunting songs. Ornithological Science, 17: 159-164.
- 濱尾章二・杉田典正・吉川翠・小島みずき・坂本大地・延命信行・西海功, 2017. 茨城県つくば市におけるシジュウカラ黒化変異個体の記録. 日本鳥学会誌, 66: 175-179.
- Hamao, S., 2016. Asymmetric response to song dialects among bird populations: the effect of sympatric related species. Animal Behaviour 119: 143-150.
- 濱尾章二・樋口正信・神保宇嗣・前藤薫・古木香名, 2016. 鳥の巣における生物間の相互作用:シジュウカラ・苔・蛾・蜂の関係. 日本鳥学会誌, 65: 37-42.
- Hamao, S., N. Sugita and I. Nishiumi, 2016. Geographic variation in bird songs: examination of the effects of sympatric related species on the acoustic structure of songs. Acta Ethologica, 19: 81-90.
- Hamao, S. and M. Hayama, 2015. Breeding ecology of the Japanese Bush Warbler in the Ogasawara Islands. Ornithological Science, 14: 111-115.
- Hamao, S., 2015. Rapid change in song structure in introduced Japanese Bush-warblers (Cettia diphone) in Hawaii. Pacific Science 69: 59-66.
- 濱尾章二・秋葉 亮・棗田孝晴,2013.採食環境が競合するアオサギとダイサギにおける餌生物および獲得食物量の比較.Bird Research 9:A23-A29.
- Hamao, S., and H. Higuchi, 2013. Effect of introduced Japanese weasels (Mustela itatsi) on the nest height of Japanese Bush-Warblers (Cettia diphone) on Miyake-jima Island, Japan. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 426-429.
- 伊地知 告・鳥飼久裕・濱尾章二, 2013.奄美諸島喜界島におけるモズの繁殖.日本鳥学会誌62: 68-71.
- Hamao, S., N. Sugita and I. Nishiumi, 2013. Geographical variation in mitochondrial DNA and vocalizations in two resident bird species in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series A (Zoology), 39: 51-62.
- Hamao, S., 2013. Acoustic structure of songs in island populations of the Japanese bush warbler, Cettia diphone, in relation to sexual selection. Journal of Ethology, 31: 9-15.
- S. Hamao. 2011. Seasonal increase in intensity of nest defence against little cuckoos by Japanese bush warblers. Animal Behaviour 82: 869-874.
- Hamao, S., Watanabe, M. and Mori, Y. 2011. Urban noise and male density affect songs in the Great Tit Parus major. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 23: 111-119.
- 坂上舞・濱尾章二・森貴久. 2011. 喜界島における鳥の巣の捕食:営巣環境による捕食率の違いと捕食者の特定.日本鳥学会誌 60: 88-95.
- 濱尾章二. 2011. 鳥類の多様性を把握するための調査方法の検討:ラインセンサス法と捕獲法の比較.自然教育園報告 (42): 1-12.
- 濱尾章二・鳥飼久裕. 2011. 奄美諸島喜界島の鳥類相.鹿児島県立博物館研究報告 (30): 59-64.
- 濱尾章二・宮下友美・萩原信介・森 貴久. 2010. 都市緑地における越冬鳥による種子散布及び口角幅と果実の大きさの関係.日本鳥学会誌59: 139-147.
- Sawabe, K., Isawa, H., Hoshino,K., Sasaki, T., Roychoudhury, S., Higa, Y., Kasai, S., Tsuda, Y., Nishiumi, I., Hisai, N,. Hamao, S. and Kobayashi M. 2010. Host-feeding habits of Culex pipiens and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) collected at the urban and suburban residential areas of Japan. Journal of Medical Entomology 47: 442-450.
- 濱尾章二.2010.自然教育園におけるヒレンジャク Bombycilla japonica の捕獲記録.自然教育園報告 (41): 49-54.
- 濱尾章二.2010.南西諸島に生息するダイトウウグイス Cettia diphone restricta のなわばり性:電波発信器を用いた調査結果.自然教育園報告 (41): 35-47.
- Shoji Hamao, Kiyono Nishimatsu and Takehiko Kamito. 2009. Predation of bird nests by introduced Japanese weasel Mustela itatsi on an island. Ornithological Science 8 :139-146.
- 濱尾章二,2009.奄美諸島喜界島におけるキマユムシクイ Phylloscopus inornatus の捕獲・放鳥記録.自然教育園報告, (40): 83-88.
- 濱尾章二,2009.温度データロガーを用いたダイトウウグイスの抱卵・育雛行動の記録と巣の捕食の推定.自然教育園報告, (40): 73-81.
- Shoji Hamao. 2008. Syntactical complexity of songs in the Black-browed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps. Ornithological Science 7: 173-177.
- 濱尾章二, 2008.三宅島における留鳥の繁殖開始時期:夏鳥ホトトギスの托卵を受けるウグイスは早く繁殖を開始するか? Miyakensis 11: 3-13.
- 濱尾章二, 2008.自然教育園における鳥類の希少記録:捕獲・拾得記録の重要性.自然教育園報告 (39): 63-69.
- Hamao, S., M. J. S. Veluz, T. Saitoh & I. Nishiumi, 2008. Phylogenetic relationship and defferences in song structure between the closely related Bush Warblers Cettia seebohmi and C. diphone. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 268-276.
- Hamao, S., 2008. Singing strategies among male Black-browed Reed Warblers Acrocephalus bistrigiceps during the post-fertile period of their mates. Ibis 150: 388–394.
- 濱尾章二, 2007.ウグイスの繁殖開始時期と餌生物の発生時期の関係.自然教育園報告 (38): 19-31.
- 濱尾章二, 2007.さえずりの機能と進化:fertility announcement hypothesisを材料とした考察.生物科学 59: 68-76.
- Hamao, S., M. J. S. Veluz & I. Nishiumi, 2006. Species recognition by song between the Luzon Bush Warbler, Cettia seebohmi, and the Japanese Bush Warbler, C. diphone. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus. (44): 21-29.
- Hamao, S., M. J. S. Veluz & I. Nishiumi, 2006. Difference in morphology between two closely related Bush Warblers, Cettia diphone and C. seebohmi, in Japan and the Philippines. Rept. Inst. Nat. Stu. (37): 17-26.
- 濱尾章二・山下大和・山口典之・上田恵介, 2006.都市緑地におけるコゲラの生息に関わる要因.日本鳥学会誌55: 96-101.
- 濱尾章二・紀宮清子・鹿野谷幸栄・安藤達彦, 2005.赤坂御用地の鳥類相(2002年4月−2004年3月).国立科学博物館専報(39): 13-20.
- Hamao, S. & D. S. Saito, 2005. Extrapair fertilizations in the Black-browed Reed Warbler: (Acrocephalus bistrigiceps) :effects of mating status and nesting cycle of cuckolded and cuckolder
males. Auk 122: 1086-1096.
- Hamao, S., 2005. Predation risk and nest-site characteristics of the Black-browed Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus bistrigiceps): the role of plant strength. Ornithological Science 4: 147-153.
- 濱尾章二・井田俊明・渡辺浩・樋口広芳, 2005.サギ類の餌生物を誘引・撹乱する採食行動−波紋をつくる漁法を中心に.Strix 23: 91-104.
- Hamao, S. & H. Eda-Fujiwara, 2004. Vocal mimicry by the Black-browed Reed Warbler: objective identification of mimetic sounds. Ibis 146: 61-68.
- Ueta, M., R. Kurosawa, S. Hamao, H. Kawachi & H. Higuchi, 2003. Population change of jungle crows in Tokyo. Global Environmental Research. 7: 131-137.
- Hamao, S., 2003. Reduction of cost of polygyny by nest predation in the Black-browed Reed Warbler. Ornithological Science 2: 113-118.