坂上 和弘 Kazuhiro Sakaue
- 坂上和弘,馬場悠男 2020 北サッカラ遺跡出土の単純埋葬遺体の形質人類学的調査. エジプト学研究26:62-65
- Kazuhiro Sakaue and Mari Kajigayamam,2019 Material report: Human skeletal remains of the Edo period excavated from the Shokenji Ato site, Shinjuku-ku. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 45:9-37.
- Mario Castro, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Hideyuki Takano, Ryota Shimofusa, Seiji Yamamoto and Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2019 High resolution computed tomography of a Chinchorro Mummy. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 45:1-8.
- Kazuhiro Sakaue and Mari Kajigayama,2018 Material report: Human skeletal remains of the Edo period excavated from the Sugenhi Ato site, Shinjuku-ku. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 44:21-43.
- Kazuhiro Sakaue,2018 Regional Variations in Craniofacial Morphology in the Edo Period. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 44:9-19.
- 海部 陽介, 坂上 和弘, 河野 礼子, 2017.下本山岩陰遺跡(長崎県佐世保市)出土の縄文時代前期・弥生時代人骨. Anthropological Science (Japanese series) 125:25-38
- 海部 陽介, 坂上 和弘, 河野 礼子, 2017. 岩下洞穴(長崎県佐世保市)出土の縄文時代早・前期人骨:特に早期人が短命であった可能性について. Anthropological Science (Japanese series) 125:1-24
- 坂上 和弘,馬場 悠男 2017 アル=コーカ地区TT47出土の人骨およびミイラの人類学的調査(第9次調査). エジプト学研究23:99-104
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2016. Human-induced traumas in the skulls excavated from Gokurakuji site, Kamakura, Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 42:1-18
- 坂上和弘,馬場悠男,平田和明 2016 第12次アブ・シール南丘陵遺跡調査において出土した集団埋葬墓人骨の人類学的分析(予報). エジプト学研究22:51-68
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2016. Material report: A case report on human skeletal remains suggesting the penis removal in the Edo preiod. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 42:19-27
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2015. Material report: The human skeletal remains excavated from the Yurakucho 1-chome site of the Muromachi period. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 41:13-40
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2015. A bayesian approach to age estimation from cranial suture closure in Japanese people. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 41:1-11
- Mari Kajigayama and Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2014. Material Report: Human skeletal remains newly added in the 2013 academic year to the Human Osteological Collection at the Department of Anthropology, National Museum ofNature and Science, Tokyo. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 40:25-42
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2014. Human-induced traumas in the skulls of the Edo people. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 40:13-24
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2013. Secular Changes in Craniofacial Morphology during the Edo Period of Japan. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 39:9-18
- 長岡 朋人, 安部 みき子, 蔦谷 匠, 川久保 善智, 坂上 和弘, 森田 航, 米田 穣, 宅間 仁美, 八尋 亮介, 平田 和明, 稲原 昭嘉, 2013. 明石市雲晴寺近世墓地から出土した明石藩家老親族の人骨. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) Vol. 121 (2013) No. 1 p. 31-48
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2012. Craniofacial Variation among the Common People of the Edo Period. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 38:39-49
- Kazuhiro Sakaue,2011. Sex Assessment from the Talus and Calcaneus of Japanese. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 37:35-48
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2010. A case report of human skeletal remains performed “Tameshi-giri (test cutting with a Japanese sword)”. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 36:27-36
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2009. A new method for identification of the phalanx bones in human hand. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 35:35-51
- Kazuhiro Sakaue,2008. New Method for Diagnosis of the Sex and Age-at-death of an Adult Human Skeleton from the Patella. Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D, 34:43-51
- Kaneteke. J., K. Sakaue, J. Sakai, S.Takahashi, Y. Kanewaku, M. Hashiyada & M. Funayama, 2008 Two small linear marks on a mandible: Collaborative networking between forensic experts.
Legal Medicine, 10:46-49
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2007. Population differences in the appearance of the
intermetatarsal articular facet of the first metatarsal bone. Bulletin of the National
Science Museum Series D, 33:1-8
- 松野義晴,坂上和弘 & 森千里, 2007. 千葉大学における人体骨標本を用いた医学研究への提供
について. 形態科学,11:39-41
- 坂上和弘,安達登, 2007. 日本人集団における口蓋部縫合からの年齢推定法の検証. 日本法医学雑誌,61:121-128
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2007. Application of the Suchey-Brooks system of pubic age estimation to recent Japanese skeletal material. Anthropological Science, 114:59-64
- 松野義晴, 坂上和弘, 太田昌彦, 宮宗秀伸, 門田朋子, 小宮山政敏, 千葉胤道, 森千里, 千葉大学における人体骨標本の保管環境整備と医学研究の推進に向けて. 千葉医学雑誌,82:117-120
- Adachi N, Suzuki T, Sakaue K, Takigawa W, Ohshima N & Dodo Y, 2006. Kinship analysis of the Jomon skeletons unearthed from a double burial at the Usu-Moshiri site, Hokkaido,Japan. Anthropological Science, 114:29-34.
- 水嶋崇一郎, 坂上和弘 &諏訪 元, 2004. 保美貝塚(縄文時代晩期)の盤状集積人骨−構成と形態
特徴の視点から−. Anthropological Science(Japanese Series), 112:113-125
- 田中健太郎, 澤田純明, 坂上和弘 & 百々幸雄, 踵骨の距骨関節面の形態変異について-U- 日本列島諸集団を対象にした人類学的研究−. Anthropological Science(Japanese Series), 112:101-111
- 田中健太郎, 澤田純明, 坂上和弘 & 百々幸雄, 踵骨の距骨関節面の形態変異について-T- 現代日本人資料を用いた基礎形態学的研究−. Anthropological Science(Japanese Series), 112:85-100
- Adachi N., Umetsu K., Takigawa W. & Sakaue K., 2004. Phylogenetic analysis of the human ancient mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Archaeological Science, 31:1339-1348.
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 2004. Sexual determination of long bones in recent Japanese. Anthropological Science, 112:75-81
- 安達 登, 梅津和夫, 滝川 渉, 坂上和弘, 川久保善智 &百々幸雄, 2003. 青森県南郷村畑内遺跡出土人骨についてのミトコンドリアDNA解析. DNA多型, 11:249-252
- 坂上 和弘, 1999. 縄文時代貝塚男性の第一中手骨における左右差. 人類学雑誌, 107:21-30
- Kazuhiro Sakaue, 1997. Bilateral asymmetry of the humerus in Jomon people and modern Japanese. Anthropological Science, 105: 231-246