水野 貴行 Takayuki Mizuno


  • Mizuno, T., Y. Ishikawa-Takano, T. Nakane, H.P., Devkota, T. Iwashina, 2024. Flavonoids from the leaves and stems of Sedum japonicum var. senanense and their antioxidant activity. Fitoterapia 177: 106020.
  • Mizuno, T., Q. Qin, F. Tatsuzawa, S. Hayashi and T. Iwashina, 2024. Identification of the flower pigments in the garden balsam (Impatiens balsamina), and their properties in textile dyeing. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B 50: 71-77.
  • Mizuno, T., T. Nakane, H.P. Devkota, T. Ito, G. Kokubugata, T. Iwashina, 2024. New flavonoids from the leaves and stems of Sedum formosanum (Crassulaceae). Phytochemistry Letters 61: 198-207.
  • Mizuno, T., S. Mori, K. Sugahara, Y. Tomohisa, S. Koi, T. Iwashina, 2024. Floral pigments and their perception by avian pollinators in three Chilean Puya species. Journal of Plant Research 137: 395–409.
  • Qin, Q., F. Tatsuzawa, T. Nakane, T. Kaidzuka, T. Iwashina, T. Mizuno, 2024. Anthocyanins and flavonols from the flowers of Ranunculus cultivars (Ranunculaceae) and their color expression. The Horticulture Journal 93: 114-125.
  • Iwashina, T., S. Rahayu, T. Nakane, T. Mizuno, C. Tsutsumi, D. Widyatmoko, 2023. Three minor flavone glycosides from Aeschynanthus species and cultivars (Gesneriaceae). Natural Product Communications 18: 1–4
  • Mizuno, T., H. Seto, T. Nakane, Y. Murai, F. Tatsuzawa, T. Iwashina, 2023. Anthocyanin and flavones from the flowers of Tripora divaricata (Lamiaceae) and their contribution to blue violet color. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B 49: 57-64.
  • Iwashina, T., H.P. Devkota, T. Mizuno, 2023. Flavonoids from the leaves of Penstemon frutescens. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 59: 543-545.
  • Iwashina, T., S. Rahayu, Destri, K. Sugahara, T. Nakane, T. Mizuno, C. Tsutsumi, D. Widyatmoko, 2023. Flavonoids from the leaves of Amorphophallus asper and Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Araceae). Phytochemistry letters 53: 132-136.
  • Mizuno, T., N. Uchiyama, S. Tanaka, T. Nakane, H. P. Devkota, K. Fujikawa, N. Kawahara, T. Iwashina, 2022. Flavonoids from Sedum japonicum subsp. oryzifolium (Crassulaceae). Molecules 27; 7632.
  • Iwashina, T., M. Nakata, T. Nakane, T. Mizuno, 2022. Flavonoid glycosides from Hylotelephium sieboldii var. sieboldii and var. ettyuense endemic to Japan. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 105; 104505.
  • Iwashina, T., S. Rahayu, T. Nakane, H. P. Devkota, T. Mizuno, C. Tsutsumi, D. Widyatmoko, 2022. Flavonoids and phenylethanoids from the flowers and leaves of Aeschynanthus species and cultivars (Gesneriaceae). Phytochemistry 203; 113367.
  • Iwashina, T., T. Mizuno, 2022. Flavonoids from the flowers and leaves of Kerria japonica (Rosaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B 48: 89-94.
  • Mizuno, T., N. Tanaka, M. M. Aung, M. Azuma, M. Koshioka, T. Iwashina, 2022. Anthocyanins from the leafy stems and rhizomes of Zingiber mekongense and their distribution in nine Zingiberaceae and one Costaceae species. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B 48: 61-69.
  • Iwashina, T., N. Tanaka, M. M. Aung, H. P. Devkota., T. Mizuno, 2022. Flavonoids and anthocyanins from the leaves of the Pride of Burma (Amherstia nobilis). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 101: 104391.
  • Iwashina, T., H. Tobe, T. Nakane, T. Mizuno, T. Jaffré, 2022. Flavonoids and phenolic compounds from the parasitic gymnosperm Parasitaxus usta endemic to New Caledonia. Natural Product Communications 17: 1–6.
  • Iwashina,T., S. Rahayu, K. Sugahara, T. Mizuno, C. Tsutsumi, D. Widyatmoko, 2021. Acylated pelargonidin and cyanidin 3-sambubiosides from the flowers of Aeschynanthus species and cultivars. Phytochemistry 192: 112956.
  • Iwashina T., T. Mizuno, 2021. Further identification of flavonoids deposited in the National Museum of Nature and Science in Japan – Flavonoids isolated from the flowers of Cacti – Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B 47: 153–163.
  • Mizuno, T., Y. Akita, A. Uehara, T. Iwashina, 2021. Identification of anthocyanins and phenolic acid in the flowers of three lungwort (Pulmonaria) cultivars and their comparisons during flower developmental stage. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B 47: 143–151.
  • Tatsuzawa, F., T. Mizuno, R. Kikuchi, K. Kato, T. Ota, Y. Murai, R. Yangzom, T. Iwashina, 2021. Flavonoids in the flowers of Primula ×polyantha Mill. and Primula primulina (Spreng.) H. Hara (Primulaceae). Phytochemistry 189: 112827.
  • Iwashina, T., R. Yangzom, H.P. Devkota, T. Mizuno, 2021. Flavonoids from the leaves and flowers of the Himalayan Cathcartia villosa(Papaveraceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 96: 104267.
  • Murayama, K., M. Kato-Murayama, T. Sato, T. Hosaka, K. Ishiguro, T. Mizuno, K. Kitao, T. Honma, S. Yokoyama, Y. Tanaka, M. Shirouzu, 2021. Anthocyanin 5,3’-aromatic acyltransferase from Gentiana triflora, a structural insight into biosynthesis of the blue anthocyanin. Phytochemistry186: 112727.
  • Iwashina, T., R. Yangzom, H.P. Devkota and T. Mizuno, 2021. Flavonoids from the Flowers and Leaves of the Himalayan Megacodon stylophorus (Gentianaceae). Natural Product Communications. 16: 1-4.
  • Mizuno, T., K. Sugahara, C. Tsutsumi, M. Iino, S. Koi, N. Noda and T. Iwashina, 2021. Identification of anthocyanin and other flavonoids from the green–blue petals of Puya alpestris (Bromeliaceae) and a clarification of their coloration mechanism. Phytochemistry 181: 112581.
  • Iwashina, T., N. Tanaka, M. M.Aung, H. P. Devkota, T. Mizuno, 2020. Phenolic compounds from parasitic Sapria himalayana f. albovinosa and Sapria myanmarensis (Rafflesiaceae) in Myanmar. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 93: 104179.
  • Mizuno, T., R. Yangzom, H. P. Devkota, Y. Murai, R. Dorji, K. Dorji, C. Wangmo, C. Gyeltshen and T. Iwashina, 2020. Flavonol Glycosides from the Whitish Flowers of Primula alpicola and P. sikkimensis var. hopeana in Bhutan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 46: 185-194.
  • Iwashina, T., T. Mizuno and H.P. Devkota, 2020. Further Identification of Flavonoids Deposited in the National Museum of Nature and Science in Japan – Flavonoids Isolated from Cirsium Taxa and Carduus nutans (Asteraceae) –. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 46: 195-214.
  • Iwashina, T. and T. Mizuno, 2020. Flavonoids and Xanthones from the Genus Iris (Review) – Phytochemistry, Relationships with Flower Colors and Taxonomy, and Activities and Function –. Natural Product Communications, 15: 1-35.
  • 水野貴行・中根理沙・貝塚隆史・石川(高野)祐子・立澤文見・井上栄一・岩科 司, 2020. 茨城県特産赤ネギ品種‘ひたち紅っこ’に含まれるフラボノイドの同定と抗酸化活性評価. 園芸学研究, 19: 237–245.
  • Iwashina, T., Destri, S. Rahayu, C. Tsutsumi, Yuzammi, T. Mizuno and D. Widyatmoko, 2020. Flavonoids and xanthones from the leaves of Amorphophallus titanum (Araceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 90: 104036.
  • Mizuno, T. and T. Iwashina, 2019. Intermolecular copigmentation and color stabilization in the violet blue flowers of tall bearded iris cultivar. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 45: 169–174.
  • Mizuno, T., N. Tanaka, M. M. Aung, T. Yukawa and T. Iwashina, 2019. Reconstruction of flower color of Amherstia nobilis by in vitro examination. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 45: 165–168.
  • Iwashina, T., K. Amamiya, T. Kamo, J. Kitajima, T. Mizuno, A. Uehara and N. Koizuka, 2019. 2'-Hydroxylated 3-deoxyanthocyanin from the flowers of Cosmos sulphureus cultivars. Natural Product Communications, 14: 1-4
  • Iwashina, T., K. Yokoyama, R. Yangzom, T. Mizuno, H. P. Devkota, Y. Murai, K. Dorji, C. Wangmo and C. Gyeltshen, 2019. Anthocyanins and flavonols from the blue flowers of six Meconopsis species in Bhutan. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 86: 103925.
  • Hoshino, A., T. Mizuno, K. Shimizu, S. Mori, S. Fukada-Tanaka, K. Furukawa, K. Ishiguro, Y. Tanaka and S. Iida, 2019. Generation of yellow flowers of the Japanese morning glory by engineering its flavonoid biosynthetic pathway toward aurones. Plant and Cell Physiology, 60: 1871-1879
  • Iwashina, T., N. Tanaka, M. M. Aung, T. Mizuno and T. Yukawa, 2019. Anthocyanins and flavonols from the flowers of Amherstia nobili endemic to Myanmar. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 86: 103906.
  • Iwashina, T., G. Kokubugata, K. Nakamura, T. Mizuno, H. P. Devkota, M. Yokota, Y. Murai and Y. Saito, 2018. Flavonoids from three Wild Glycine Species in Japan and Taiwan. Natural Product Communications, 13: 1641-1644.
  • Yokoyama, K., R. Yangzom, T. Mizuno, Y. Murai, K. Dorji, C. Wangmo, C. Gyeltshen and T. Iwashina, 2018. Flavonol glycosides in the flowers of the Himalayan Meconopsis paniculata and Meconopsis integrifolia as yellow pigments. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 81:102-104.
  • Mizuno, T., Y. Okuyama and T. Iwashina, 2018. Flavonoids from Iris sanguinea var. tobataensis and chemotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic comparisons with Iris sanguinea var. sanguinea. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 44: 135-145
  • 水野貴行・福田直子・湯本弘子, 2018. ジャスモン酸メチル処理と光条件が蕾で収穫した大輪八重咲きトルコギキョウ品種の花弁発色および切り花品質に及ぼす影響. 園芸学研究, 17: 465-474.
  • Iwashina, T., R. Yangzom, Y. Murai, K. Dorji, T. Mizuno and C. Wangmo, 2018. Anthocyanins from the Red Flowers of Meconopsis wallichi in Bhutan. Natural Product Communications, 13: 359-360.
  • Okitsu, N., T. Mizuno, K. Matsui, S. H. Choi and Y. Tanaka, 2018. Molecular cloning of flavonoid biosynthetic genes and biochemical characterization of anthocyanin O-methyltransferase of Nemophila menziesii Hook. and Arn. Plant Biotechnology. 35: 9-16.
  • Mizuno, T., N. Fukuta and H. Shimizu-Yumoto, 2017. Nonuniform coloration of harvested flower buds of double-flowered Eustoma is reduced by methyl jasmonate treatment. The Horticulture Journal, 86: 244-251   
  • Mizuno, T., A. Uehara, D. Mizuta, T. Yabuya and T. Iwashina, 2015. Contribution of anthocyanin-flaovone copigmentation to grayed violet flower color of Dutch iris cultivar‘Tiger’s Eye’ under the presence of carotenoids. Scientia Horticulturae, 186: 201-206.
  • Mizuno, T., T. Kamo, N. Sasaki, H. Yada, Y. Murai and T. Iwashina, 2015. Novel C-xylosylflavones from the leaves and flowers of Iris gracilipes. Natural Product Communications, 10: 441-444.
  • Iwashina, T., J. Kitajima, T. Mizuno, S. V. Smirnov, O. Damdinsuren and K. Kondo, 2015. New kaempferol 3,7-diglucosides from Asplenium ruta-muraria and Asplenium altajense. Natural Product Communications, 10: 417-419.
  • Mizuno, T., T. Yabuya, J. Kitajima and T. Iwashina, 2013. Identification of novel C-glycosylflavones and their contribution to flower colour of the Dutch iris cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 72: 116-124.
  • Mizuno, T., Y. Okuyama and T. Iwashina, 2012. Phenolic compounds from Iris rossii, and their chemotaxonomic and systematic significance. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 44: 157-160.
  • Mizuno, T., T. Yabuya, N. Sasaki and T. Iwashina, 2012. Phenolic compounds, including novel C-glycosylflavone, from the flower of the tall bearded iris cultivar ‘Victoria Falls’. Natural Product Communications, 7: 1591-1594.
  • Hosaka, H., T. Mizuno and T. Iwashina, 2012. Flavonoid pigments and color expression in the flowers of black hollyhock (Alcea rosea Nigra). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 38: 69-75.
  • Mizuno, T., T. Yabuya, J. Kitajima and T. Iwashina, 2012. Comparison of flower color and flavonoid composition between blue and violet flower of Dutch iris cultivars. Polyphenols Communications, Vol. 2. 401-402
  • Tanikawa, N., K. Yoshida, T. Kondo, T. Mizuno, T. Iwashina and M. Nakayama, 2011. Urakunoside, a new tetraglycosyl kaempferol from petals of the wabisuke camellia cv. Tarokaja. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 75: 2046-2048.
  • Mizuno, T., W. Amaki and H. Watanabe, 2009. Effects of monochromatic light irradiation by LED on the growth and anthocyanin contents in leaves of cabbage seedlings. Acta Horticulture, 907. 179-184.