遊川 知久 Tomohisa Yukawa
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., T. Yukawa, and A. Kinoshita, 2021. Evolutionary histories and mycorrhizal associations of mycoheterotrophic plants dependent on saprotrophic fungi. Journal of Plant Research 134, 19–41.
- 東哲典・蘭光健人・庄司顕則・伊藤彩乃・赤ア洋哉・松前満宏・山ア旬・遊川知久・辻田有紀, 2020. 埋立地の植栽林における野外播種試験法を用いたクゲヌマラン(Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch)の種子発芽に関与する共生菌相の解明. 日本緑化工学会誌, 45: 430-435.
- Yamato, M., R. Kosaka, Y. Masui, Y. Goda, S. Shirasaka, A. Maruyama and T. Yukawa, 2021. Mycorrhizal associates of Cephalanthera falcata (Orchidaceae) in a habitat with giant individuals. Ecological Research, 36: 177-188.
- Tsutsumi, C., T. Hosoya and T. Yukawa, 2020. In vitro seed propagation and conservation of the rediscovered rare Liparis hostifolia. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 46: 111-118.
- Yamashita, Y., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, M. Tokuda and T. Yukawa, 2020. Herbarium specimens reveal the history and distribution of seed-feeding fly infestation in native Japanese orchids. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 46: 119-127.
- Hayakawa, H., K. Suetsugu, S. Fujimori, T. Shitara, J. Yokoyama and T. Yukawa, 2020. A new peloric form of Cephalanthera erecta (Orchidaceae) from Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 71: 163-169.
- Yamashita, Y., A. Kinoshita, T. Yagame, Y. Ogura-Tsujita, J. Yokoyama and T. Yukawa, 2020. Physisporinus is an important mycorrhizal partner for mycoheterotrophic plants: Identification of mycorrhizal fungi of three Yoania species. Mycoscience, 61: 219-225.
- Sugita, N., A. Ebihara, T. Hosoya, U. Jinbo, S. Kaneko, T. Kurosawa, M. Nakae and T. Yukawa, 2020. Non-destructive DNA extraction from herbarium specimens: a method particularly suitable for plants with small and fragile leaves. Journal of Plant Research, 133: 133-141.
- Kikuchi, I. A. S., P. J. Keßler, A. Schuiteman, J. Murata, T. Ohi-Toma, T. Yukawa and H. Tsukaya, 2020. Molecular phylogenetic study of the tribe Tropidieae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae) with taxonomic and evolutionary implications. PhytoKeys, 140: 11-22.
- Rammitsu, K., T. Yukawa, Y. Yamashita, S. Isshiki and Y. Ogura-Tsujita, 2020. Mycorrhizal community of an epiphytic orchid, Thrixspermum japonicum (Miq.) Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae), is strongly biased toward a single Ceratobasidiaceae fungus, despite having a wide range of fungal partner. American Journal of Botany, 107: 1654-1662.
- Mizuno, T., N. Tanaka, M. M. Aung, T. Yukawa and T. Iwashina, 2019. Reconstruction of flower color of Amherstia nobilis by in vitro examination. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B (Botany), 45: 165-168.
- 庄司顕則・遊川知久・大城温・大和政秀・蘭光健人・伊藤彩乃・山ア旬・辻田有紀, 2019. 移植困難植物の保全現場で野外播種試験をどのように活用していくか. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44: 540-544.
- 伊藤彩乃・庄司顕則・山下由美・遊川知久, 2019. 野外播種試験はツツジ科にも有効〜日本での分布南限地におけるオオウメガサソウ保全のための取り組み〜. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44: 533-536.
- 蘭光健人・山下由美・遊川知久・辻田有紀, 2019. ラン科着生種クモラン(Taeniophyllum glandulosum Blume)を用いた野外播種試験と栽培条件下での共生菌を活用した播種試験の検討. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44: 528-532.
- 遊川知久, 2019. 共生菌に栄養依存する移植困難植物の野外播種試験を用いた保全. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44: 518-520.
- 辻田有紀・村田美空・山下由美・遊川知久, 2019. 日本産4種のランにおけるランミモグリバエなどによる被害状況. 保全生態学研究, 24: 191-199.
- Takayama, K., C. Tsutsumi, D. Kawaguchi, H. Kato and T. Yukawa, 2019. Rediscovery of Liparis hostifolia on Minami-iwo-to Island in the Bonin (Ogasawara) Archipelago, Japan, and its identification using molecular sequences from a herbarium specimen collected more than 100 years ago. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 70: 149-158.
- Yoichi, W., T. Minamitani, S. H. Oh, A. J. Nagano, H. Abe and T. Yukawa, 2019. New taxa of Rhododendron tschonoskii alliance (Ericaceae) from East Asia. PhytoKeys, 134: 97–114.
- Takashima, M., Y. Yamashita, A. Kinoshita, M. Ohta and T. Yukawa, 2019. Taxonomic status of Lecanorchis suginoana (Tuyama) Seriz. (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 45: 119-129.
- Tsutsumi, C., T. Yukawa and M. Kato, 2019. Taxonomic reappraisal of Liparis japonica and L. makinoana (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 45: 107-118.
- Iwashina, T., N. Tanaka, M. M. Aung, T. Mizuno and T. Yukawa, 2019. Anthocyanins and flavonols from the flowers of Amherstia nobilis endemic to Myanmar. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 86: 103906.
- Chung, M. Y., S. Son, J. M. Chung, J. Lópezujol, T. Yukawa and M. G. Chung, 2019. Evaluation of the taxonomic rank of the tiny-leaved terrestrial orchid Cephalanthera subaphylla based on allozymes. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 49: 118-126.
- Rammitsu, K., T. Yagame, Y. Yamashita, T. Yukawa, S. Isshiki and Y. Ogura-Tsujita, 2019. A leafless epiphytic orchid, Taeniophyllum glandulosum Blume (Orchidaceae), is specifically associated with the Ceratobasidiaceae family of basidiomycetous fungi. Mycorrhiza, 29: 159-166.
- Nakahama, N., K. Suetsugu, A. Ito, M. Hino, T. Yukawa and Y. Isagi, 2019. Natural hybridization patterns between widespread Calanthe discolor (Orchidaceae) and insular Calanthe izu-insularis on the oceanic Izu Islands. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 190: 436-449.
- Shefferson, R. P., W. Bunch, C. C. Cowden, Y. I. Lee, T. R. Kartzinel, T. Yukawa, J. Downing and H. Jiang, 2019. Does evolutionary history determine specificity in broad ecological interactions? Journal of Ecology, 107: 1582-1593.
- Miyazawa, S. I., M. Nishiguchi, N. Futamura, T. Yukawa, M. Miyao, T. E. Maruyama and T. Kawahara, 2018. Low assimilation efficiency of photorespiratory ammonia in conifer leaves. Journal of Plant Research, 131: 789-802.
- 菅みゆき・山下由美・末次健司・遊川知久・徳田誠・辻田有紀, 2018. 自生のラン科植物の花や果実を食害するハエ類の同定. 日本応用動物昆虫学会誌, 62: 249-255. Suga, M., Y. Yamashita, K. Suetsugu, T. Yukawa, M. Tokuda and Y. Ogura-Tsujita, 2018. Identification of flies infesting wild orchid flowers and fruits in Japan. Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology, 62: 249-255.
- 庄司顕則・伊藤彩乃・赤ア洋哉・松前満宏・山崎旬・遊川知久, 2018. 野外播種試験法によるクゲヌマラン(Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Frisch)の種子発芽および2年間の成長の観察−埋立地の植栽林における例−. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44: 205-208.
- 伊藤彩乃・庄司顕則・赤ア洋哉・松前満宏・山ア旬・遊川知久, 2018. 野外播種試験法による埋設種子の長期観察の重要性−都市緑地のキンラン(Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume.)を例に−. 日本緑化工学会誌, 44: 233-236.
- 菅みゆき・福島成樹・山下由美・遊川知久・徳田誠・辻田有紀, 2018. 千葉県に自生する6種のランを加害するハモグリバエ科の同定と被害状況. 昆蟲(ニューシリーズ), 21: 631-640.
- Yukawa, T., Y. Yamashita, K. Takayama, D. Kawaguchi, C. Tsutsumi, H. Z. Tian and H. Kato, 2018. Rediscovery of Zeuxine boninensis (Orchidaceae) from the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands and taxonomic reappraisal of the species. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 44: 127-134.
- Chung, M. Y., N. T. Lu, J. López‐Pujol, S. Herrando-Moraira, J. M. Chung, H. Z. Tian, K. Suetsugu, T. Kawahara, T. Yukawa, M. Maki, P. Kumar, Y. Kim and M. G. Chung, 2018. Effect of historical factors on genetic variation in three terrestrial Cephalanthera species (Orchidaceae) with different breeding system on the Korean Peninsula. Nordic Journal of Botany, 36: e01862.
- Tian, H. Z., L. X. Han, J. L. Zhang, X. L. Li, T. Kawahara, T. Yukawa, J. López-Pujol, P. Kumar, M. G. Chung and M. Y. Chung, 2018. Genetic diversity in the endangered terrestrial orchid Cypripedium japonicum in East Asia: Insights into population history and implications for conservation. Scientific Reports, 8: 6467.
- Suetsugu, K., H. Tsukaya, S. Tagane, P. Chhang, T. Yukawa and T. Yahara, 2018. Flora of Bokor National Park VII: Thismia bokorensis (Burmanniaceae), a new species representing a new generic record. Phytotaxa, 334: 65-69.
- Takamiya, T., S. Kitamura, S. Suzuki, N. Shioda, Y. Matsuo, K. Murase, Y. Kaiho, Y. Tsurumaki, Y. Fujiwara, M. Sone, T. Machida, R. Matsumoto, A. Miyamoto, D. Hirose, M. Furukawa, M. Makino, K. Matsuzaki, S. Kitanaka, T. Yukawa and H. Iijima, 2018. Identification of two phenanthrene derivatives from Australasian allied species in genus Dendrobium. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 66: 642-650.
- Unruh, S. A., M. R. McKain, Y. -I Lee, T. Yukawa, M. K. McCormick, R. P. Shefferson, A. Smithson, J. H. Leebens-Mack and J. C. Pires, 2018. Phylotranscriptomic analysis and genome evolution of the Cypripedioideae (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany, 105: 631–640.
- Lam, V. K. Y., H. Darby, V. S. F. T. Merckx, G. Lim, T. Yukawa, K. M. Neubig, J. R. Abbott, G. Beatty, J. Provan, M. S. Gomez and S. W. Graham, 2018. Phylogenomic inference in extremis: A case study with mycoheterotroph plastomes. American Journal of Botany, 105: 480–494.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., G. Gebauer, H. Xu, Y. Fukasawa, H. Umata, K. Tetsuka, M. Kubota, J. M.-I. Schweiger, S. Yamashita, N. Maekawa, M. Maki, S. Isshiki and T. Yukawa, 2018. The giant mycoheterotrophic orchid Erythrorchis altissima is associated mainly with a divergent set of wood-decaying fungi. Molecular Ecology, 27: 1324-1337.
- Chung, M.Y., J. López-Pujol, S. Son, G. U. Suh, T. Yukawa and M. G. Chung, 2018. Patterns of genetic diversity in rare and common orchids focusing on the Korean Peninsula: implications for conservation. Botanical Review, 84:1-25.
- Yagame, T., E. Funabiki, T. Yukawa and E. Nagasawa, 2018. Identification of mycobionts in an achlorophyllous orchid, Cremastra aphylla (Orchidaceae), based on molecular analysis and basidioma morphology. Mycoscience, 59, 18-23.
- Higaki, K., K. Rammitsu, Y. Yamashita, T. Yukawa and Y. Ogura-Tsujita, 2017. A method for facilitating the seed germination of a mycoheterotrophic orchid, Gastrodia pubilabiata, using decomposed leaf litter harboring a basidiomycete fungus, Mycena sp. Botanical Studies. 58: 59.
- 伊藤彩乃・庄司顕則・赤ア洋哉・松前満宏・山埼旬・遊川知久, 2017. 埋立地の植栽林における野外播種試験法によるクゲヌマラン(Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Frisch)の種子発芽および初期成長の観察. 日本緑化工学会誌, 43: 347-350.
- 庄司顕則・伊藤彩乃・赤ア洋哉・松前満宏・山埼旬・遊川知久, 2017. 埋立地の植栽林における野外播種試験法によるキンラン(Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume)の種子発芽および2年間の成長の観察. 日本緑化工学会誌, 43: 343-346.
- 長谷川啓一・上野裕介・大城温・井上隆司・瀧本真理・光谷友樹・遊川知久, 2017. キンラン属3 種の生育環境と果実食害率:保全に向けての課題. 保全生態学研究, 22: 311-321.
- Tsutsumi, C., T. Hosoya and T. Yukawa, 2017. Mycorrhizal fungi isolated from Japanese endangered plant Liparis truncata (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 43: 69-77.
- Yukawa, T. and Y. Yamashita, 2017. Pogonia subalpina (Orchidaceae): a new species from Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 43: 79-86.
- Freudenstein, J. V., T. Yukawa and Y. B. Luo, 2017. A reanalysis of relationships among Calypsoinae (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae): floral and vegetative evolution and the placement of Yoania. Systematic Botany, 42: 17-25.
- Sakamoto, Y., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, K. Ito, K. Suetsugu, J. Yokoyama, J. Yamazaki, T. Yukawa and M. Maki, 2016. The tiny-leaved orchid Cephalanthera subaphylla obtains most of its carbon via mycoheterotrophy. Journal of Plant Research, 129: 1013-1020.
- 伊藤彩乃・庄司顕則・赤崎洋哉・ 松前満宏・山崎 旬・遊川知久, 2016. 埋立地の植栽林におけるクゲヌマランとキンランの人工授粉・袋がけ作業の効果の検証. 日本緑化工学会誌, 42: 271-274.
- Tsutsumi, C., A. Maeda, Y. Yamashita, T. Kurosawa, A. Uchida, T. Kuhara and T. Yukawa, 2016. New record of Liparis purpureovittata (Orchidaceae) and identification of its mycorrhizal fungi. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 42: 95-102.
- Yukawa, T., 2016. Taxonomic notes on the Orchidaceae of Japan and adjacent regions. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 42: 103-111.
- Yagame, T., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, A. Kinoshita, K. Iwase and T. Yukawa, 2016. Fungal partner shifts during the evolution of mycoheterotrophy in Neottia. American Journal of Botany, 103: 1630-1641.
- Takashima, M., J. Hasegawa and T. Yukawa, 2016. Oreorchis coreana (Orchidaceae), a new addition to the flora of Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 67: 61-66.
- Yamato, M., H. Takahashi, A. Shimono, R. Kusakabe and T. Yukawa, 2016. Distribution of Petrosavia sakuraii (Petrosaviaceae), a rare mycoheterotrophic plant, may be determined by the abundance of its mycobionts. Mycorrhiza, 26: 417-427.
- Kinoshita, A., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, H. Umata, H. Sato, T. Hashimoto and T. Yukawa, 2016. How do fungal partners affect the evolution and habitat preferences of mycoheterotrophic plants? A case study in Gastrodia (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany, 103: 207-220.
- Fukuda, N., C. Ajima, T. Yukawa and J. E. Olsen, 2016. Antagonistic action of blue and red light on shoot elongation in petunia depends on gibberellin, but light quality effects on flowering is not generally linked to gibberellin. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 121: 102-111.
- 曽根麻友美・藤原有紀子・町田智美・松本亮平・菊地秦平・清水玲子・吉野圭一・北中進・遊川知久・飯島洋・高宮知子, 2015. ラン科セッコク属に関する薬用資源探索−植物エキスの生理活性評価−. 日本植物園協会誌, 50: 51-54.
- Tagane, S., T. Yukawa, P. Chhnang, Y. Ogura-Tsujita, H. Toyama and T. Yahara, 2015. A new record of Aphyllorchis pallida (Orchidaceae) from Cambodia. Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 215: 128-130.
- 伊藤彩乃・庄司顕則・松本竹吾・赤ア洋哉・海道智文・松澤宏・山崎旬・遊川知久, 2015. 埋立地の植栽林におけるキンラン(Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume)の野外播種試験法による繁殖の試み. 日本緑化工学会誌, 41: 279-282.
- Tanaka, N., T. Yukawa, K. M. Htwe and J. Murata, 2015. An orchid checklist of Mt. Popa, central Myanmar. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 41: 69-89.
- Gale, S. W., J. Li, A. Kinoshita and T. Yukawa, 2015. Studies in Asian Nervilia (Orchidaceae) V: N. futago, a cryptic new species from southwest Japan confirmed by morphological, cytological and molecular analyses. Systematic Botany, 40:413-425.
- Tang, Y., T. Yukawa, R. M. Bateman, H. Jiang and H. Peng, 2015. Phylogeny and classification of the East Asian Amitostigma alliance (Orchidaceae: Orchideae) based on six DNA markers. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:96.
- Iwashina, T., A. Uehara, J. Kitayama and T. Yukawa, 2015. Anthocyanins and other flavonoids from Amorphophallus titanum having laregest inflorescence in plant kingdom, and other two species. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 41: 33-44.
- Suetsugu, K., K.Tanaka, Y. Okuyama and T. Yukawa, 2015. Potential pollinator of Vanda falcata (Orchidaceae): Theretra (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) hawkmoths are visitors of the long spurred orchid. European Journal of Entomology, 112: 393–397.
- Yukawa, T. and P. J. Cribb, 2014. Nomenclatural changes in the genus Calanthe (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 40: 145-151.
- Yamato, M., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, H. Takahashi and T. Yukawa, 2014. Significant difference in mycorrhizal specificity between an autotrophic and its sister mycoheterotrophic plant species of Petrosaviaceae. Journal of Plant Research, 127: 685-693.
- Tatsuzawa, F., N. Saito, T. Yukawa, T. Honda, K. Shinoda, K. Kato and K. Miyoshi, 2014. Acylated cyanidin 3,7-diglucosides in the red-purple flowers of Sophronitis wittigiana (Orchidaceae). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 83: 64-71.
- Takamiya T., P. Wongsawad, A. Sathapattayanon, N. Tajima, S. Suzuki, S. Kitamura, N. Shioda, T. Handa, S. Kitanaka, H. Iijima and T. Yukawa, 2014. Molecular phylogenetics and character evolution of morphologically diverse group, Dendrobium section Dendrobium and allies. AoB PLANTS, 6: plu045.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., K. Miyoshi, C. Tsutsumi and T. Yukawa, 2014. First flowering hybrid between autotrophic and mycoheterotrophic plant species: breakthrough in molecular biology of mycoheterotrophy. Journal of Plant Research, 127: 299–305.
- Chung, M. Y., J. López-Pujol, M. -O. Moon, M. Maki, T. Yukawa, N. Sugiura and M. G. Chung, 2013. Population history of the terrestrial orchid Cremastra appendiculata var. variabilis from Korea, inferred from levels and distribution of genetic diversity. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 173: 721-732.
- Chung, M. Y., M. -O. Moon, J. López-Pujol, M. Maki, T. Yamashiro, T. Yukawa, N. Sugiura, Y.-I Lee and M. G. Chung, 2013. Was Jeju Island a glacial refugium for East Asian warm-temperate plants? Insights from the homosporous fern Selliguea hastata (Polypodiaceae). American Journal of Botany, 100: 2240-2249.
- Kato, J., Y. Ehara, H. Shiota, Y. Futagami, T. Ishida, M. Mii, T. Yukawa and S. Ichihashi, 2013. Differences on rates of hybridity among cross combinations in intergeneric crosses between Zygopetalum or Zygonisa and Cymbidium. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp.215-219.
- Sakamoto, Y., J. Yokoyama, T. Yukawa, Y. Ogura-Tsujita and M. Maki, 2013. Diversity of mycorrhizal partnerships and mycoheterotrophy in Japanese Cephalanthera. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp.263-268.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., J. Yokoyama, K. Miyoshi and T. Yukawa, 2013. Shifts in mycorrhizal fungi during the evolution of autotrophy to mycoheterotrophy in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae). Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp.250-255.
- Takamiya, T., S. Kitamura, S. Suzuki, N. Shioda, M. Furukawa, M. Makino, K. Matsuzaki, S. Kitanaka, T. Yukawa and H. Iijima, 2013. Search for potential medicinal resources in genus Dendrobium by analyses of genetic and chemical similarity. Proceedings of 11th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp.256-262.
- Yukawa, T., A. Kinoshita and N. Tanaka, 2013. Molecular identification resolves taxonomic confusion in Grammatophyllum speciosum complex (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 39: 137-145.
- 高宮知子・鈴木俊一郎・北村早希・北中進・飯島洋・遊川知久, 2013. ラン科セッコク属(Dendrobium)の分子系統情報とHPLCプロファイル情報を統合した潜在薬用資源の探索I. DNA多型, 21: 55-60.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., H. Umata and T. Yukawa, 2013. High mycorrhizal specificity in the mycoheterotrophic Burmannia nepalensis and B. itoana (Burmanniaceae). Mycoscience, 54: 444-448.
- Nomura, N., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, S. W. Gale, A. Maeda, H. Umata, K. Hosaka and T. Yukawa, 2013. The rare terrestrial orchid Nervilia nipponica consistently associates with a novel mycobiont. Journal of Plant Research, 126: 613–623.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., A. Sakoda, A. Ebihara, T. Yukawa and R. Imaichi, 2013. Arbuscular mycorrhiza formation in cordate gametophytes of two ferns, Angiopteris lygodiifolia and Osmunda japonica. Journal of Plant Research, 126: 41–50.
- Jitsopakul, N., K. Thammasiri, T. Yukawa and K. Ishikawa, 2012. Effect of cryopreservation on seed germination and protocorm development of Vanda tricolor. ScienceAsia, 38: 244-249.
- Topik, H., P. H. Weston, T. Yukawa, M. Ito and R. Rice, 2012. Phylogeny of Subtribe Aeridinae (Orchidaceae) Inferred from DNA Sequences Data: Advanced Analyses Including Australasian Genera. Jurnal Teknologi, 59: 87–95.
- 木村研一・山崎旬・遊川知久・倉本宣, 2012. 東京都内の雑木林におけるキンラン移植株のモニタリング結果と知見. 日本緑化工学会誌, 38: 212-215.
- Yukawa, T., D. Kawaguchi, A. Mukai and Y. Komaki, 2012. Discovery of Geodorum densiflorum (Orchidaceae) on the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands: a case of ongoing colonisation subsequent to long-distance dispersal. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 38: 131-137.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., J. Yokoyama, K. Miyoshi and T. Yukawa, 2012. Shifts in mycorrhizal fungi during the evolution of autotrophy to mycoheterotrophy in Cymbidium. American Journal of Botany, 99: 1158-1176.
- Shiota, H., Y. Futagami, S. Ito, K. Nakashima, T. Yukawa, M. Mii, J. Kato and S. Ichihashi, 2011. Intergeneric hybridization between two Americas orchids, Lycaste and Zygopetalum, and Cymbidium. Proceedings of Nagoya International Orchid Conference 2011, Nagoya, Japan, pp.40-45.
- Tsutsumi, C., K. Miyoshi, T. Yukawa and M. Kato, 2011. Responses of seed germination to light intensity and temperature in epiphytic and terrestrial Liparis (Orchidaceae). Botany, 89: 841-848.
- Iwashina, T., H. Tobe, H. Takahashi, and T. Yukawa, 2011. Flavonoids from achlorophyllous plant, Petrosavia sakuraii (Petrosaviaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39: 883-884.
- Li, J. -H., Z. -J. Liu, G. A. Salazar, P. Bernhardt, H. Perner, T. Yukawa, X. -H. Jin, S. -W. Chung, and Y. -B. Luo, 2011. Molecular phylogeny of Cypripedium (Orchidaceae: Cypripedioideae) inferred from multiple nuclear and chloroplast regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 61: 308-320.
- Tatsuzawa, F., K. Miyoshi, T. Yukawa, K. Shinoda, K. Toki, N. Saito, A. Shigihara and T. Honda, 2011. Malonylated anthocyanidin 3,5-diglucosides in the flowers of the genus Disa (Orchidaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39: 220-224.
- Takamiya, T., P. Wongsawad, N. Tajima, N. Shioda, J. F. Lu, C. L. Wen, J. B. Wu, T. Handa, H. Iijima, S. Kitanaka and T. Yukawa, 2011. Identification of Dendrobium species used for herbal medicines based on ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequence. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 34: 779-782.
- Eum, S. M., S. W. Gale, T. Yukawa and N. S. Lee, 2011. Phylogenetic and conservation status of the endangered terrestrial orchid Nervilia nipponica (Orchidaceae) in Korea. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39: 635-642.
- Tanaka, N., T. Yukawa, K. M. Htwe, T. Koyama and J. Murata, 2011. New or noteworthy plant collection from Myanmar (7): Fourteen additional species of Orchidaceae. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 61: 161-165.
- Yukawa, T. and M. Yagi, 2011. Habenaria crassilabia (Orchidaceae): a new record for the flora of Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 37: 95-99.
- Yamato, M., T. Yagame, N. Shimomura, K. Iwase, H. Takahashi, Y. Ogura-Tsujita and T. Yukawa, 2011. Specific arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with non-photosynthetic Petrosavia sakuraii (Petrosaviaceae). Mycorrhiza, 21: 631-639.
- Hirano, T., T. Yukawa, K. Miyoshi and M. Mii, 2011. Wide applicability of cryopreservation with vitrification method for seeds of some Cymbidium species. Plant Biotechnology, 28, 99-102.
- Motomura, H., M.-A. Selosse, F. Martos, A. Kagawa and T. Yukawa, 2010. Mycoheterotrophy evolved from mixotrophic ancestors: evidence in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae). Annals of Botany, 53, 573-581.
- Lee, C. S., C. Tsutsumi, T. Yukawa and N. S. Lee, 2010. Two new species of the genus Liparis (Orchidaceae) from Korea based on morphological and molecular data. Journal of Plant Biology, 53, 190-200.
- Nishimura, G. and T. Yukawa, 2010. Dark material accumulation and sclerotization during seed coat formation in Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 36, 33-37.
- Gale, S. W., J. Yamazaki, M. J. Hutchings, T. Yukawa and K. Miyoshi, 2010. Constraints on establishment in an endangered terrestrial orchid: a comparative study of in vitro and in situ seed germinability and seedling development in Nervilia nipponica. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 163, 166-180.
- Shefferson, R. P., C. C. Cowden, M. K. McCormick, T. Yukawa, Y. Ogura-Tsujita and T. Hashimoto, 2010. Evolution of host breadth in broad interactions: mycorrhizal specificity in East Asian and North American rattlesnake plantains (Goodyera spp.) and their fungal hosts. Molecular Ecology, 19, 3008-3017.
- Godo, T., M. Komori, E. Nakaoki, T. Yukawa and K. Miyoshi, 2010. Germination of mature seeds of Calanthe tricarinata Lindl., an endangered terrestrial orchid, by asymbiotic culture in vitro. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant, 46, 323-32.
- Gale, S. W., A. Maeda, C.-I Chen and T. Yukawa, 2010. Inter-specific relationships and hierarchical spatial genetic structuring in Nervilia nipponica, an endangered orchid in Japan. Journal of Plant Research, 123, 625-637.
- Tatsuzawa, F., N. Saito, A. Shigihara, T. Honda, K. Toki, K. Shinoda, T. Yukawa and K. Miyoshi, 2010. An acylated cyanidin 3,7-diglucoside in the bluish flowers of Bletilla striata 'Murasaki Shikibu' (Orchidaceae). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 79, 215-220.
- Sathapattayanon, A., T. Yukawa and T. Seelanan, 2010. Dendrobium roseiodorum (Orchidaceae): a new species from Vietnam. Blumea, 55,75-79.
- Tanaka, N., T. Yukawa and J. Murata, 2010. New or noteworthy plant collections from Myanmar (5): Dendrobium koyamae, a new species in sect. Formosa (Orchidaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 60, 171-174.
- Yukawa, T., N. Tanaka and J. Murata, 2010. Doritis natmataungensis (Orchidaceae), a new species from Myanmar. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 60, 167-170.
- Masuda, Y., T. Yukawa and K. Kondo, 2009. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Chrysanthemum and its related genera in the tribe Anthemideae, the Asteraceae in East Asia on the basis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the external transcribed spacer (ETS) region of nrDNA. Chromosome Botany, 4, 25-36.
- Yukawa, T., Y. Ogura-Tsujita, R. P. Shefferson and J. Yokoyama, 2009. Mycorrhizal diversity in Apostasia (Orchidaceae) indicates the origin and evolution of the orchid mycorrhiza. American Journal of Botany, 96, 1197-2009.
- Sathapattayanon, A., T. Yukawa and T. Seelanan, 2009. Dendrobium hirsutum Griff. (Orchidaceae), a new recorded species from Northeastern Thailand. The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University, 9, 85-89.
- Yukawa, T., T. Yagame and N. S. Lee, 2009. A taxonomic reappraisal of Neottia (Orchidaceae) from East Asia. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 35, 57-62.
- Godo, T., T. Yukawa and K. Miyoshi, 2009. The Effects of BA, illumination and temperature on asymbiotic seed germination of four Japanese endangered taxa of Calanthe (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of Botanical Garden Toyama, 14, 33-40.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y., G. Gebauer, T. Hashimoto, H. Umata and T. Yukawa, 2009. Evidence for novel and specialised mycorrhizal parasitism: the orchid Gastrodia confusa gains carbon from saprotrophic Mycena. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276, 761-767.
- Topik, H., T. Yukawa and M. Ito. 2008. Phylogenetic position of the Papuan genus Sarcochilus R. Br. (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae): evidence from molecular data. Reinwardtia 12: 281-284.
- Motomura, H., O. Ueno, A. Kagawa & T. Yukawa, 2008. Carbon isotope ratios and the variation in the diurnal pattern of malate accumulation in aerial roots of CAM species of Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae). Photosynthetica, 46, 531-536.
- Yagame, T., T. Katsuyama and T. Yukawa, 2008. A new species of Neottia (Orchidaceae) from the Tanzawa Mountains, Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 59, 219-222.
- Tsutsumi C., T. Yukawa, N. S. Lee, C. S. Lee & M. Kato, 2008. A new species of Liparis from Japan and Korea. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 59, 211-218.
- Tanaka, N. & T. Yukawa, 2008. Eria carinata (Orchidaceae), newly recorded from the Malay Peninsula. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 59, 179-181.
- Tsutsumi C. & T. Yukawa, 2008. Taxonomic status of Liparis japonica and L. makinoana (Orchidaceae); a preliminary report. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 34, 89-94.
- Yukawa, T. & N. Tanaka, 2008. Cymbidium ×nomachianum (Orchidaceae) - a new natural hybrid from Japan. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany), 34, 83-87.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y. and T. Yukawa, 2008. Epipactis helleborine shows strong mycorrhizal preference towards ectomycorrhizal fungi with contrasting geographic distributions in Japan. Mycorrhiza 18, 331–338.
- 辻田有紀, 遊川知久, 2008. ラン科植物の野外播種試験法―土壌中における共生菌相の探索を目的として―. 保全生態学研究, 13, 121-127. Ogura-Tsujita, Y. and T. Yukawa, 2008. In situ seed sowing techniques for the recovery of endangered orchids. Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology, 13, 121-127.
- Tsutsumi, C., T. Yukawa, N. S. Lee, C. S. Lee and M. Kato, 2008. Liparis purpureovittata (Orchidaceae) – a new species from Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 59, 73-77.
- Oginuma, K., H. Sato, Y. Kono, S. Chen, Z. Zhou, C. I. Peng, A. Momohara, T. Yukawa & H. Setoguchi, 2007. Intraspecific polyploidy of Houttuynia cordata and evolution of chromosome number in the Saururaceae. Chromosome Botany 2, 87-91.
- Motomura, H., T. Yukawa, O. Ueno & A. Kagawa 2008. The occurrence of crassulacean acid metabolism in Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) and its ecological and evolutionary implications. Journal of Plant Research, 121, 163-177.
- Ogura-Tsujita, Y. & T. Yukawa 2008. High mycorrhizal specificity in a widespread mycoheterotrophic plant, Eulophia zollingeri (Orchidaceae). American Journal of Botany, 95, 93-97.
- Sang, M. E., T. Yukawa, Y. Luo, J. V. Freudenstein and N. S. Lee 2008. Reappraisal of Diplolabellum coreanum (Orchidaceae): inferred from molecular data. Journal of Plant Biology, 51, 20-24.
- Ohi-Toma, T., H. Kato, T. Yukawa, Y. Komaki, K. Hirai and J. Murata, 2007. Phylogenetic relationship and inter-island genetic variation of Malaxis (Orchidaceae), endemic to the Bonin Islands. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 58, 107-111.
- Shefferson, R. P., D. L. Taylor, M. Weiß, S. Garnica, M. K. McCormick, S. Adams, H. M. Gray, J. W. McFarland, T. Kull, K. Tali, T. Yukawa, T. Kawahara, K. Miyoshi and Y.-I Lee, 2007. The evolutionary history of mycorrhizal specificity among lady’s slipper orchids. Evolution, 61: 1380-1390.
- Tsutsumi, C., T. Yukawa, N. S. Lee, C. S. Lee and M. Kato, 2007. Phylogeny and comparative seed morphology of epiphytic and terrestrial species of Liparis (Orchidaceae) in Japan. Journal of Plant Research, 120: 405-412.
- Gale, S., T. Yukawa and N. Kuroiwa, 2007. Studies in Asian Nervilia (Orchidaceae) I: neotypification and circumscription of N. nipponica in Japan. Kew Bulletin, 62: 85-94.
- Kimura, H., Y. Tsukada, H. Mita, Y. Yamamoto, R. Chujo and T. Yukawa, 2006. A Spectroscopic index for estimating the age of amber. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 79: 451-453.
- Watthana, S., H. Topik, M. Ito and T. Yukawa, 2006. Phylogeny of the genus Pomatocalpa Breda (Orchidaceae). Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore, 58: 55-80.
- Chung, S. -W., T. -C. Hu and T. Yukawa, 2006. Saccolabiopsis taiwaniana (Orchidaceae), a new species from Taiwan. Quart. J. Forest Res., 28: 25-28.
- Topik, H., T. Yukawa and M. Ito, 2006. Evolutionary analysis of pollinaria morphology of subtribe Aeridinae (Orchidaceae). Reinwardtia, 12: 223-235.
- Handa, T., K. Kita, P. Wongsawad, Y. Kurashige and T. Yukawa, 2006. Molecular phylogeny–assisted breeding of ornamentals. Journal of Crop Improvement, 17: 51-68.
- Miikeda, O., K. Kita, T. Handa and T. Yukawa, 2006. Phylogenetic relationships of Clematis (Ranunculaceae) based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 152, 153-168.
- Setoguchi, H., T. Yukawa, T. Tokuoka, A. Momohara, A. Sogo, T. Takaso and C.-I. Peng, 2006. Phylogeography of the genus Cardiandra based on genetic variation in cpDNA sequences. Journal of Plant Research, 119, 401-405.
- Tatsuzawa F., N. Saito, T. Yukawa, K. Shinoda, A. Shigihara and T. Honda, 2006. Acylated cyaniding 3,7,3´-trigulcosides with p-hydroxybenzoic acid from the flowers of Dendrobium. Heterocycles, 68, 381-386.
- Yukawa, T., K. Miyoshi, J. Yokoyama and W. L. Stern, 2005. Diversification of life forms and mycorrhizal relationships in Cymbidium: insights from molecular and anatomical data. Proceedings of the 18th World Orchid Conference, 519-520.
- Yukawa, T., K. Kita, T. Handa, H. Topik and M. Ito, 2005. Molecular phylogenetics of Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae) and allied genera: Re-evaluation of generic concepts. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 56, 141-161.
- Topik, H., T. Yukawa and M. Ito, 2005. Molecular phylogenetics of subtribe Aeridinae (Orchidaceae): insights from plastid matK and nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences. Journal of Plant Research, 118, 271-284.
- Wongsawad, P., T. Handa, and T. Yukawa, 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Dendrobium Callista-Dendrobium complex. Proceedings of the 17th World Orchid Conference, p. 131-133.
- Ando, T., H. Kokubun, H. Watanabe, N. Tanaka, T. Yukawa, G. Hashimoto, E. Marchesi, E. Suárez and I. L. Basualdo, 2005. Phylogenetic analysis of Petunia sensu Jussieu (Solanaceae) using chloroplast DNA RFLP. Annals of Botany, 96, 289-297.
- Tatsuzawa F., T. Yukawa, K. Shinoda and N. Saito, 2005. Acylated anthocyanins in the flowers of genus Dendrobium section Phalaenanthe (Orchidaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 33, 625-629.
- Kita, K., Y. Kurashige, T. Yukawa, S. Nishimura and T. Handa, 2005. Plastid inheritance and plastome-genome incompatibility of intergeneric hybrids between Menziesia and Rhododendron. Journal of the Japanese Society of Horticultural Science, 74, 318-323.
- Kita, K., Y. Kurashige, T. Yukawa, S. Nishimura and T. Handa, 2005. Intergeneric hybridization between Menziesia and Rhododendron based on molecular phylogenetic data. Journal of the Japanese Society of Horticultural Science, 74, 51-56.
- Yukawa, T., 2004. Two Species of Dendrobium Section Formosae (Orchidaceae) from Vietnam. Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 23, 21-27.
- Tatsuzawa F., N. Saito, H. Seki, M. Yokoi, T. Yukawa, K. Shinoda and T. Honda, 2004. Acylated anthocyanins in the flowers of Vanda (Orchidaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 32, 651-664.
- Handa, T., K. Kita, P. Wongsawad, Y. Kurashige and T. Yukawa, 2003. Molecular phylogeny as a guide for breeding of ornamentals: The case study of Menziesia and Dendrobium. Acta Horticulturae, 612, 155-164.
- 遊川知久・山崎旬・三吉一光, 2003. クゲヌマランの分類と分布. Orchid Sciences 9, 10-12.
- Yukawa, T., 2003. Dendrobium bifurcatum (Orchidaceae) - A new species from Vietnam. Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 22, 147-150.
- Yukawa, T., 2003. Studies of the orchid flora of Vanuatu: II. Phreatia vanuatensis, a new species. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 54, 105-107.
- Yukawa, T., S.-W. Chung, Y. Luo, C.-I Peng, A. Momohara, and H. Setoguchi, 2003. Reappraisal of Kitigorchis (Orchidaceae). Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 44, 345-351.
- Kokubugata, G. and Yukawa, T., 2002. Cytotaxonomical studies of Orchidaceae from Vanuatu and its adjacent regions: II. Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 21, 25-29.
- Yukawa, T., 2002. Cymbidium wadae (Orchidaceae) – a new species from Thailand. Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 21, 135-138.
- Inoue, K. and T. Yukawa, 2002. A new species of Yoania (Orchidaceae) from southern Nagano, central Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 53, 107-114.
- Yukawa, T., K. Miyoshi and J. Yokoyama, 2002. Molecular phylogeny and character evolution of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae). Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Series B, 28, 129-139.
- Yukawa, T., 2002. Dendrobium suzukii (Orchidaceae) – a new species from Vietnam. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 53, 11-16.
- Yukawa, T. and W. L. Stern, 2002. Comparative vegetative anatomy and systematics of Cymbidium (Cymbidieae: Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 138, 383-419.
- Yukawa, T., 2002. Research collection of Orchidaceae at Tsukuba Botanical Garden. In T. Kubodera et al., eds., Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th Symposia on Collection Building and Natural History Studies in Asia and the Pacific Rim, National Science Museum Monographs, 22: 77-80.
- Yokouchi, Y., M. Ikeda, Y. Inuzuka and T. Yukawa, 2002. Strong emission of methyl chloride from tropical plants. Nature, 416, 163-165
- 三池田修・遊川知久, 2001. ゲルろ過クロマトグラフィによるDNAの簡便な精製方法. 分類, 1: 79-82.
- Berkutenko, A. N. and T. Yukawa, 2001. Liparis kumokiri F. Maekawa (Orchidaceae) – new record for mainland part of the Russian Far East. In A. N. Berkutenko, H. G. Lumsden, and D. Lumsden (eds.), Flora and Climatic Conditions of the North Pacific, pp. 69-71.
- Wongsawad, P., T. Handa and T. Yukawa, 2001. Molecular phylogeny of Dendrobium section Dendrobium. In Haruhiko Nagata and Shoichi Ichihashi, eds., Proceedings. 7th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp. 209-210.
- Yukawa, T., 2001. Molecular phylogeny of Dendrobium. In Haruhiko Nagata and Shoichi Ichihashi, eds., Proceedings. 7th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp. 69-71.
- Kobayashi, S. and T. Yukawa, 2001. Rediscovery of Gastrodia shimizuana Tuyama (Orchidaceae) on Iriomote Island, Japan. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica, 52: 49-55.
- Yukawa, T., 2001. Paphiopedilum platyphyllum (Orchidaceae) – eine neue Art von Borneo. Die Orchidee, 52: 84-87.
- Kurashige, Y., J. Etoh, T. Handa, K. Takayanagi and T. Yukawa, 2001. Sectional relationships in the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae): evidence from matK and trnK intron sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 228: 1-14.
- Kurashige, Y., N. Kobayashi and T. Yukawa, 2000. A magenta flowered form of Rhododendron tschonoskii var. tetramerum (Ericaceae) from Nagano, Japan. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 19: 5-6.
- Yukawa, T., 2000. Holcoglossum tsii (Orchidaceae) – a new species from China. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 19: 1-3.
- Yukawa, T., 2000. A new species of Dendrobium section Amblyanthus from Papua New Guinea. Lindleyana, 15: 189-191.
- Yukawa, T., K. Kita and T. Handa, 2000. DNA phylogeny and morphological diversification of Australian Dendrobium (Orchidaceae). In Karen L. Wilson and David A. Morrison, eds., Monocots, Systematics and Evolution, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, pp. 465-471.
- Yukawa, T., 1999. Cremastra aphylla (Orchidaceae), a new mycoparasitic species from Japan. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 18: 59-63.
- Miikeda, O., S. Koga, T. Handa and T. Yukawa, 1999. Subgeneric relationships in Clematis (Ranunculaceae) by the gene matK DNA sequences. In Susyn Andrews, Alan Leslie, and Crinan Alexander, eds., Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 355-358.
- Yukawa, T., S. Koga and T. Handa, 1999. DNA uncovers paraphyly of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae). In Susyn Andrews, Alan Leslie, and Crinan Alexander, eds., Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 351-354.
- Yukawa, T. and H. Ohba, 1999. Misinterpretation of Dendrobium acinaciforme (Orchidaceae) and resultant resurrection of Dendrobium spatella. Lindleyana, 14: 152-159.
- Ito, M., A. Kawamoto, Y. Kita, T. Yukawa and S. Kurita, 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of Amaryllidaceae based on matK sequence data. Journal of Plant Research, 112: 207-216.
- Cameron, K. M., M. W. Chase, W. M. Whitten, P. J. Kores, D. C. Jarell, V. A. Albert, T. Yukawa, H. G. Hills and D. H. Goldman, 1999. A phylogenetic analysis of the Orchidaceae: evidence from rbcL nucleotide sequences. American Journal of Botany, 86: 208-224.
- Hashimoto, T., S. Matsumoto, T. Yukawa, T. Konishi, K. Sugimura and T. Iwashina, 1998. A list of herbarium and live plant specimens from Grande Terre (New Caledonia) and Viti Levu (Fiji), collected in 1996 and 1997. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 17: 105-132.
- Kokubugata, G. and T. Yukawa, 1998. Cytotaxonomical studies of the Orchidaceae from Vanuatu and its adjacent regions I. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 17: 69-74.
- Yukawa, T. and T. Hashimoto, 1998. Studies on the orchid flora of Vanuatu: I. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 17: 63-68.
- Yukawa T., 1998. An enumeration of herbarium and spirit specimens of the Orchidaceae, collected in the 1997 Vanuatu Expedition. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 17: 59-62.
- Konishi T., T. Hashimoto, T. Yukawa, S. Matsumoto, R. Hirayama, S. Chanel and T. Iwashina, 1998. A list of live specimens from Vanuatu, collected in 1996 and 1997. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 17: 23-50.
- Hashimoto T., H. Hatta, T. Yukawa, K. Sugimura, S. Chanel and T. Iwashina, 1998. A list of herbarium specimens from Vanuatu, collected in 1996 and 1997, excluding the Orchidaceae. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 17: 1-22.
- Kurashige Y., M. Mine, N. Kobayashi, T. Handa, K. Takayanagi and T. Yukawa, 1998. Investigation of sectional relationships in the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae) based on matK sequences. Journal of Japanese Botany, 73: 143-154.
- Yukawa T., 1998. Two new species of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) from Borneo. Lindleyana, 13: 28-30.
- Yukawa T., 1997. Dendrobium ejirii (Orchidaceae) - a new species from Vietnam. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 16: 25-28.
- Yukawa T. and K. Karasawa, 1997. Bulbophyllum hashimotoi (Orchidaceae) - a new species from New Guinea. With a taxonomic review on Bulbophyllum section Macrobulbon. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 16: 17-24.
- Yukawa T., 1996. Phalaenopsis chibae (Orchidaceae) - a new species from Vietnam. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 15: 19-22.
- Yukawa T. and K. Uehara, 1996. Vegetative diversification and radiation in subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae): evidence from chloroplast DNA phylogeny and anatomical characters. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 201: 1-14.
- Yukawa T., H. Ohba, K. M. Cameron and M. W. Chase, 1996. Chloroplast DNA phylogeny of subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchhidaceae): insights from a combined analysis based on rbcL sequences and restriction site variation. Journal of Plant Research, 109: 169-176.
- Yukawa T., 1995. Dendrobium×usitae (Orchidaceae) - a new natural hybrid from the Philippines. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 14: 43-46.
- Yukawa T. and H. Ohba, 1995. Typification of Schlechter's East Asian Orchidaceae held at the Herbarium, University of Tokyo. Lindleyana, 10: 29-32.
- Yukawa, T., S. Kurita, M. Nishida and M. Hasebe, 1993. Phylogenetic implications of chloroplast DNA restriction site variation in subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae). Lindleyana 8: 211-221.
- Yukawa, T. and M. Nishida, 1992. Dendrobium shiraishii - a new species of section Latouria from Irian Jaya. Lindleyana, 7: 127-129.
- Yukawa, T., T. Ando, K. Karasawa and K. Hashimoto, 1992. Existence of two stomatal shapes in the genus Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) and its systematic significance. American Journal of Botany, 79: 946-952.
- Yukawa, T., T. Ando, K. Karasawa and K. Hashimoto, 1991. Leaf surface morphology in selected Dendrobium species. Proceedings of the 13th World Orchid Conference, 250-258.
- Kurita, S., S. Shiroshita and T. Yukawa, 1990. An aberrant karyotype of Lycoris radiata (L'Herit.) Herb. La Kromosomo, 57: 1926-1930.