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国立科学博物館研究報告 C類(地質学・古生物学)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology)
発行年月 ページ
研究報告 C類(地質学・古生物学) 第2巻 第1号
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 2 Number 1
March1976 |
Yasuji Saito, Kazuaki Sekine:
Small-Scale Penecontemporaneous Deformation Structures of
Bedded Chert from Chichibu, Japan |
Hiroshi Ujiie:
Prosphaeroidinella, n. gen.: Probable Ancestral Taxon
of Sphaeroidinellopsis (Foraminifera) |
P.27 |
Nobuo Yamagiwa, Yasuyuki Suzuki:
A New Species of the Genus Iranophyllum from the Permian
Shirasaki Limestone at Yura-machi, Wakayama Prefecture |
P.31 |
Kazimierz Kowalski, Yoshikazu Hsegawa:
Quaternary Rodents from Japan
P.67 |
Tokiko Tiba, Satoshi Matsubara,Yasuji Saito:
Nodular Diatomite from Dogo, Oki Islands