目 次
国立科学博物館研究報告 E類(理工学)
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering)
発行年月 ページ
研究報告 E類(理工学) 第32巻
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 32
December 2009 |
佐々木勝浩・岡田和夫: |
P.1 |
兼松正富と彼の工房で製作された和時計とその特徴 |
Katsuhiro Sasaki and Kazuo Okada: |
The Japanese Clocks made by Masatomi Kanematsu and his Workshop and Their Characteristics |
佐々木勝浩・近藤勝之: |
P.21 |
天保五年在政作円グラフ文字盤自動伸縮指針掛時計 |
Katsuhiro Sasaki and Katsuyuki Kondo: |
A Wall Clock made by Arimasa in 1834 with the Pie Chart Style Dial and the Autmatically Expanding-Contracting Hand |
西城惠一・鈴木一義: |
P.29 |
細川半蔵作寒川神社蔵渾天儀「三極通儀」 |
Keiichi Saijo and Kazuyoshi Suzuki: |
“Sankyoku-tsuugi”, Japanese Armillary Sphere made by Hanzo Hosokawa owned in Samukawa shraine. |
西城惠一・洞口俊博・中島 隆: |
P.35 |
若井光学工業関係双眼鏡資料 |
Keiichi Saijo, Toshihiro Horaguchi and Takashi Nakajima: |
Binoculars Document of Wakai Optical Industry |
鈴木一義・田辺義一: |
P.41 |
江戸初期の方位及び角度の概念から見た測量術の形成についての一考察 |
Kazuyoshi Suzuki and Yoshikazu Tanabe: |
The Concepts of “Angle” and “Direction” in Schools of Surveying Method in Early Edo Period |
岩田修一・菅原 玲・陳 迎・新谷聖法・Pierre Villars・鈴木一義・石井 格: |
P.51 |
科学博物館を基点にした人工物ネットワークの概念設計─人工物の科学の構築に向けての試論─ |
Shuichi Iwata, Akira Sugawara, Ying Chen, Kiyonori Aratani, Pierre Villars, Kazuyoshi Suzuki and Itaru Ishii: |
Conceptual Design on Artifact Networks based on Science Museum Collections —An Approach towards evolving Artifactual Science— |
菅原 玲・満嶌夏実・横内悦子・亀田尭宙・渡辺裕太・布袋田由理子・西原 望・新谷聖法・陳 迎・岩田修一: |
P.63 |
科学博物館を基点にした人工物ネットワーク構築の予備的検討─原子力に関するネットワーク─ |
Akira Sugawara, Natsumi Majima, Etsuko Yokouchi, Akihiro Kameda, Yuta Watanabe, Yuriko Hoteida, Nozomu Nishihara, Kiyonori Aratani, Ying Chen and Shuichi Iwata: |
A Preliminary Study for Constructing Artifact Networks based on Science Museum Collections |