辻 彰洋 Akihiro TUJI
- Jaafar Jotheri, Mark Altaweel, Akihiro Tuji, Ryo Anma, Benjamin Pennington, Stephanie Rost & Chikako Watanabe. Holocene fluvial and anthropogenic processes in the region of Uruk in southern Mesopotamia. Quaternary International. in press.
- Tuji, A. and Williams, D. 2017. Fragilaria asterionelloides, A New planktonic species of Fragilaria from Japanese reservoirs that forms star-shaped colonies. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 43:45–50.
- Zhang, L., Suzuki, N., Nakamura, Y. and Tuji, A. 2017. Modern shallow water radiolarians with photosynthetic microbiota in the western North Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology 139: 1-27.
- Yamamoto, M., Chiba, T. and Tuji. A. 2017. Salinity responses of benthic diatoms inhabiting tidal flats. Diatom Research. 32; 243-250 .
- Kyono, A., Yokooji, M., Chiba, T., Tamura, T. and Tuji, A. 2017. Pressure–induced crystallization of biogenic hydrous amorphous silica. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences. in press.
- Tuji, A. and Niiyama, Y. 2016. The Identity and Phylogeny of Pseudanabaena Strain, NIES-512, producing 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB). Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Ser B Bot. 42: 83-89.
- Takahashi, T., Nishida, T., Tuji, A., Saito, C., Matsuzaki, R., Sato, M., Toyooka, K., Yasuda, H. and Nozaki, H. 2016. Delineation of six species of the primitive algal genus Glaucocystis based on in situ ultrastructural characteristics. Scientific Reports 6: 29209. doi:10.1038/srep29209
- 辻彰洋・鈴木紀毅 2016. 微古生物学の情報基盤の活用事例:共生藻類の有無と放散虫の高次分類. 化石 99: 73-83.
- Niiyama, Y., Tuji, A., Takemoto, K. and Ichise, S. 2016. Pseudanabaena foetida sp. nov. and P. subfoetida sp. nov. (Cyanophyta/ Cyanobacteria) producing 2-methylisoborneol from Japan. Fottea 16: 1-11.
- Nakamura, Y., Imai, I., Tuji, A. and Suzuki, N. 2016. A new Phaeodarian species discovered from the Japan sea proper water, Auloscena pleuroclada sp. nov. (Aulosphaeridae, Phaeosphaerida, Phaeodaria). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 63: xx doi:10.1111/jeu.12274.
- Nakamura, Y., Imai, I., Yamaguchi, A., Tuji, A., Not, F. and Suzuki, N. 2015. Molecular Phylogeny of the Widely Distributed Marine Protists, Phaeodaria (Rhizaria, Cercozoa). Protist, 166: 363–373.
- Williams, D., Yesilyurtl, J. and Tuji, A. 2015. A guide to the publications of Paul Friedrich Reinsch (1836-1914) containing descriptions of new diatom names. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft 144: 143-156.
- Tuji, A. 2015 The distribution and taxonomy of the Aulacoseira distans species complex found in Japanese harmonic artificial reservoirs. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Series B, 41: 53-60.
- 辻 彰洋 (編) 2015. 山中湖フジマリモ生息調査(平成26年度)報告書. 山中湖村教育委員会・国立科学博物館. pp. 64.
- Tuji, A., Marsh, A., Altaweel, Watanabe, C.E. and Taylor, J. 2014. Diatom Analysis of Cuneiform Tablets Housed in the British Museum. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B 40: 101-106.
- Tuji, A., Mohri, Y., KI, J.S., Jung, S. W. & Julius, M. 2014. Phylogeny of Praestephanos gen. nov. (Thalassiosirales, Bacillariophyceae) based on Stephanodiscus suzukii, and related freshwater thalassiosiroid diatoms. Plankton Benthos Res 9(2): 132-140.
- Probert, I., Siano, R., Poirier, C., Decelle, J., Biard, T., Tuji, A., Suzuki, N. & Not, F. 2014. Brandtodinium gen. nov. and B. nutriculum comb. nov.(Dinophyceae), a dinoflagellate commonly found in symbiosis with polycystine radiolarians. Journal of Phycology. 50: 388-399.
- Onishi, Y., Mohri, Y., Tuji, A., Ohgi, K., Yamaguchi, A. & Imai, I. 2014. The seagrassZostera marina harbors growth-inhibiting bacteria against the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamaranse. Fisheries Science. DOI 10.1007/s12562-013-0688-4
- 渡辺千香子・辻彰洋 2014. 古代メソポタミアの粘土板とプロキシとしての珪藻分析の検討. 大阪学院大学人文自然論叢 66: 51-64.
- 辻彰洋・新山優子 2014. 皇居における淡水珪藻植生 II 期. 国立科博専報 49: 75-88.
- 新山優子・辻彰洋 2014. 皇居の藍藻と緑藻 II 期. 国立科博専報 49: 63-73.
- 新山優子・辻彰洋 2013. 「総説」藍藻ネンジュモ目の浮遊性種の分類学的変更と類似種の比較. 陸水学会誌 74:153-164.
- Nakamura, Y., Imai, I., Yamaguchi, A., Tuji, A. & Suzuki, N. 2013. Aulographis japonica sp. nov. (Phaeodaria, Aulacanthida, Aulacanthidae), an abundant zooplankton in the deep sea of the Sea of Japan. Plankton Benthos Res 8: 107–115.
- Suzuki, N., Ogawa, K., Ogane, K. and Tuji, A. 2013. Patchwork silicification and disposal activity of siliceous fragments of a polycystine radiolarian. Rev. micropaléont. 56: 63–74.
- Tuji, A. and Williams, D. M. 2013. Examination of Types in the Fragilaria vaucheriae–intermedia Species Complex. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 39: 1–9,
- Tuji, A., Leelahakriengkrai, P. and Peerapornpisal, Y. 2012. Distribution and Phylogeny of Spicaticribra kingstonii - rudis Species Complex. Mem. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Tokyo, 48: 139-148.
- 辻彰洋・新山優子. 2012. 日本産アオコ形成藍藻種のチェックリストおよび分類学的コメント(短報). 日本プランクトン学会報 59: 30-34.
- Tuji, A. and Niiyama, Y. 2012. Three New Combinations of Japanese Planktonic Cyanobacteria Species. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 38: 37–38.
- 辻彰洋 2011. 日本における Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngb.) Mart.Schmidt の出現について. Diatom 27: 65-68.
- Tuji, A. 2011. Transfer of Cymbella koidzumiana Skvortsov to the genus Navicula. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. ser. B. 37: 113-115.
- Tuji, A., Ogane, K. & Watanabe, C. E. 2011. Methodology for detecting diatoms on tablets: a biological tool for paleoenvironmental analysis. Scienze dell’Antichità. 17: 393-401.
- Niiyama, Y., Tuji, A. & Tsujimura, S. 2011. Umezakia natans M.Watan. does not belong to Stigonemataceae but to Nostocaceae. Fottea 11(1): 163–169.
- Ogane, K., Tuji, A., Suzuki, N., Matsuoka, A., Kurihara, T. and Hori, R. 2010. Direct observation of the skeletal growth patterns of polycystine radiolarians using a fluorescent marker. Marine Micropaleontology. 77:137-144.
- Tuji, A. 2010. Examination of Type Material of Melosira nivalis W.Sm. (Bacillariophyceae) and its synonymy with Aulacoseira pfaffiana (Reinsch) Krammer. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. ser. B. 36: 161-164.
- Tuji, A. and Niiyama, Y. 2010. Phylogenetic Study by the Morphological and Molecular Analyses of Japanese Planktonic Anabaena Species. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 36: 71–80
- Jüttner, I., Krammer, K., Vijver B. van de, Tuji, A., Simkhada, B., Gurung, S. Sharma, S., Sharma, C. and Cox, E. J. 2010. Oricymba (Cymbellales, Bacillariophyceae), a new cymbelloid genus and three new species from the Nepalese Himalaya. Phycologia 49: 407–423.
- Nozaki, K., Kohmatsu, Y., Yamamoto, T. and Tuji, A. 2009. Phytoplankton productivity in a pond of brownish-colored water in a Japanese lowland marsh, Naka-ikemi. Limnology 10: 177-184.
- Suzuki, N., Ogane, K., Aita, Y., Kato, M., Sakai, S, Kurihara, T, Matsuoka, A., Ohtsuka, S, Go, A., Nakaguchi, K., Yamaguchi, S., Takahashi, T. & Tuji, A. 2009. Distribution Patterns of the Radiolarian Nuclei and Symbionts Using DAPI-Fluorescence. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. Ser. B, 35: 162-189.
- Tuji, A., Williams, D. M., Sims, P. A. and Tanimura, Y. 2009. An Illustrated Catalogue of Type Specimens from the H.M.S. Challenger Voyage in Castracane’s Slide Collection in the Natural History Museum, London. JOINT HAECKEL and EHRENBERG PROJECT: Reexamination of the Haeckel and Ehrenberg Microfossil Collections as a Historical and Scientific Legacy, edited by Y. Tanimura and Y. Aita, National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs 40:7-11.
- Tuji, A. 2009. Examination of Type Material and Typification of Seven Diatoms Described by C. G. Ehrenberg. JOINT HAECKEL and EHRENBERG PROJECT: Reexamination of the Haeckel and Ehrenberg Microfossil Collections as a Historical and Scientific Legacy, edited by Y. Tanimura and Y. Aita, National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs, 40: 13-21.
- 辻彰洋 2009. 国立科学博物館における渡辺仁治コレクション整理の現状について. Diatom 25: 184-185.
- 辻彰洋 2009. 珪藻の環境指標研究と分類学の発展. Diatom 25: 15-20.
- Ogane, K., Tuji, A., Suzuki, N., Kurihara, T. & Matsuoka, A. 2009. First application of PDMPO to examine silicification in polycystine radiolaria. Plankton & Benthos Research 4: 89-94
- Tuji , A. 2009. The transfer of two Japanese Synedra species (Bacillariophyceae) to the genus Ulnaria Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo ser. B. 34: 11-16.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2008. Examination of types in the Fragilaria pectinalis – capitellata species complex. Proceedings of the 19th International Diatom Symposium pp. 125-139.
- Watanabe, T. & Tuji, A. 2008. New species Achnanthidium ovatum, Gomphonema yakuensis occurred in Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan with epilithic diatom assemblages. Diatom 24: 30-41.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2008. Typification and type examination of Synedra familiaris Kütz. and related taxa. Diatom 24: 25-29.
- 辻彰洋・Soninkhishig Nergui. 2008. Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngb.) Mart.Schmidtの北海道での産出, およびアイスランド産,モンゴル産の個体との比較. Diatom 24: 80-85.
- Tuji, Akihiro & Williams, D. M. 2008. Examination of type material of Fragilaria mesolepta Rabenhorst and two similar, but distinct, taxa. Diatom Research 23: 503-510.
- Tuji, A. 2007. Type examination and typification of Cymbella affinis Kütz., C. turgidula Grunow and C. uenoi Skvortsov. Diatom 23: 49-54.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2007. Type examination of Japanese diatoms described by Friedrich Meister (1913) from Lake Suwa. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 33: 69-79.
- Tuji, A. 2007. Type examination of Fragiaria gracilis Østrup (Bacillariophyceae). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 33: 9-12.
- Bondarenko, N.A., Tuji, A. & Nakanishi, M. 2006. A comparison of phytoplankton communities between the ancient Lakes Biwa and Baikal. Hydrobiologia 568: 25-29.
- Tuji, A. 2006. The occurrence of Aulacoseira granulata f. spiralis (Hust.) Czarn. & D.Reinke in the Japanese Lake (in Japanese). Diatom 22: 76-77.
- Tuji, A. 2006. On the forms of rimoportulae and spines of Aulacoseira distans (Ehrenb.) Simonsen (in Japanese). Diatom 22: 74-75.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. Type examination of the freshwater centric diatom Aulacoseira pusilla (F.Meister) Tuji et Houki (in Japanese). Diatom 22: 70-73.
- Tuji, A. 2006. Re-designation of 17 lectotypes for diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), originally designated by Ohtsuka & Tuji (2002), Tuji (2002) and Tuji (2004). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 32: 171-174.
- Tuji, A. & Tanimura, Y. 2006. Examination of type material for two Japanese diatoms described by Ehrenberg (1854). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 32: 167-170.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. Examination of type material for Aulacoseira pfaffiana (Bacillariophyceae) with special reference to the position of its rimoportula. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 32: 117-121.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. The taxonomy and distribution of Denticula kuetzingii Grunow, observed fluently in Izu Peninsula, Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo 42: 7-14.
- 芳賀裕樹・芦谷美奈子・大塚泰介・松田征也・辻彰洋・馬場浩一・沼畑里美・山根猛. 2006. 琵琶湖南湖における湖底直上の溶存酸素濃度と沈水植物群落現存量の関係について. 陸水学会誌 67: 23-28.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. Type examination of Cyclotella wortereckii Hust. (Bacillariophyceae) with special attention to the position of its rimoportula. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 32: 15-17.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. The identity of Cyclotella glomerata Bachmann and Discostella nipponica (Skvortzov) Tuji et Williams comb. et stat. nov. (Bacillariophyceae) from Lake Kizaki, Japan. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B, 32: 9-14.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. Typification of Conferva pectinalis O.F.Müll. (Bacillariophyceae) and the identity of the type of an alleged synonym, Fragilaria capucina Desm. Taxon. 55: 193-199.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2006. Examination of the type material of Synedra rumpens = Fragilaria rumpens, Bacillariophyceae. Phycoll. Res.: 99-103.
- Tuji, A. & Williams, D. M. 2005. Observation of the Type Material for Eunotia pectinalis (Kütz.) Rabenh. var. pectinalis and Eunotia pectinalis var. undulata (Ralfs) Rabenh. Diatom 21: 57-60.
- Tuji, A. 2005. Taxonomy of the Gomphoneis tetrastigmata species complex. Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. B. 31: 89-108.
- Tuji, A. & Houki, A. 2004. Type examination of Synedra delicatissima W.Sm. and its occurrence in Japan. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 30: 151-154.
- Watanabe, M., Y. Niiyama, A. Tuji, 2004. Studies on planktonic blue-green algae 10. Classification of planktonic Anabaena with coiled trichomes maintained in the National Science Museum, Tokyo. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 30: 135-149.
- Tuji, A. 2004. The diatom type materials of Haruo Okuno 1. five diatom species described by Okuno (1943, 1944) from the Yatuka deposit. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 30: 79-88.
- Tuji, A. 2004. Type examination of the ribbon-forming Fragilaria capucina complex described by Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. 411-422. Seventeeth International Diatom Symposium 2002 Proceedings. M.Poulin (ed.) Biopress Limited, Bristol.
- Tuji, A. & Houki, A. 2004. Taxonomy, ultrastructure, and biogeography of the Aulacoseira subarctica species complex. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 30: 35-54.
- Tuji, A. & Watanabe, T. 2003. Two new endemic Pinnularia species (Bacillariophyceae) from Japan. Diatom 19: 47-53.
- Tuji, A., 2003. Freshwater diatom flora in the bottom sediments of Lake Biwa (Sough Basin): Part 2. Gomphonema sensu lato. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 29: 97-107.
- Tuji, A., 2003. Freshwater diatom flora in the bottom sediments of Lake Biwa (Sough Basin): Navicula sensu lato. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 29: 65-82.
- Tuji, A., Kawashima, A., Julius, M. L. and Stoermer, E. F. 2002. Stephanodiscus akanensis sp. nov., a new species of extant diatom flora Lake Akan, Hokkaido, Japan. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. ser. B. 29: 1-8
- Tuji, A. 2002. Observations on Aulacoseira nipponica from Lake Biwa, Japan, and Aulacoseira solida from North America (Bacillariophyceae). Phycol. Res. 50: 313-316.
- Ohtsuka, T. & Tuji, A. 2002. Lectotypification of some pinnate diatoms described by Skvortzow in 1936 from Lake Biwa. Phycol. Res. 50: 243-249.
- Tuji, A., Iwao, Y., Ashiya, M., Kuwahara, K. and Haga, H. 2001. Epiphytic diatom communities in the littoral zone of Lake Biwa, Japan. 15th International Diatom symposium Proceedings. 471-480.
- Tuji, A. & Kociolek, J. P. 2000. Morphology and taxonomy of Stephanodiscus suzukii sp. nov. and S. pseudosuzukii sp. nov. from Lake Biwa, Japan, and comparison with the S. carconensis Grunow species complex. Phycol. Res. 48: 231-239.
- Tuji, A. 2000. The effect of irradiance on the growth of different forms of freshwater diatoms: Implications for succession of attached diatom communities. J. Phycol. 36: 659-661.
- Tuji, A. 2000. Observation of developmental processed in loosely attached diatom (Bacillariophyceae) communities. Phycol. Res. 48: 75-84.
- 森岡由起子・辻彰洋・鳥本昇. 2000. 紫根染めにおける灰の役割についての一考察. 化学と教育 48: 52-53.
- 辻彰洋・唐崎千春・神松幸弘・山本敏哉・村山恵子・野崎健太郎. 1999. 中池見湿地(福井県敦賀市)における水質環境と生物群集. 陸水学会誌 60: 201-203.
- Urabe, J., Sekino, T., Nozaki, K., Tuji, Akihiro., Yoshimizu, C., Kagami, M. Koitabashi, T., Miyazaki, T. and Nakanishi, M. 1999. Light, nutrients and primary productivity in Lake Biwa: An evaluation of the current ecosystem situation. Ecol. Res. 233-242.
- Tuji, Akihiro. 1999. A new fluorescence microscopy method to study biofilm architecture. 14th International Diatom symposium Proceedings. 321-326.
- 野崎健太郎・辻彰洋・由水千景・神松幸弘・石川俊之・山本敏也. 中池見湿地(福井県敦賀市)における浮遊藻群集の季節遷移とその特徴. 1998. 陸水学会誌 59: 329-339.
- 野崎健太郎・三橋宏宗・辻彰洋. 1998. 琵琶湖北湖沿岸帯のおける糸状緑藻群落内の溶存酸素濃度の日変化. 陸水学会誌 59: 207-213.
- 三輪さちよ・辻彰洋・鳥本昇. 1997. 地域素材としての水草(コカナダモ)を用いた紙づくりの教材化. 化学と教育 45: 472-473.
- 大塚泰介・辻彰洋. 1997. 何殻を数えるべきか? I.フロラ調査の場合. Diatom 13. 83-92.
- 三重野恵子・辻彰洋・大塚泰介・兵頭かほり・坂東忠司. 1997. 黒沢湿原(徳島県)の珪藻植生. Diatom 13: 147-160.
- 辻彰洋・橋屋誠. 1996. コンピュータによる測色を利用した草木染め色素のサーベイとその教材化. 化学と教育 44: 600-603.
- 辻彰洋. 1995. 浦内川(沖縄県西表島)の珪藻植生. Diatom 11: 89-92.
- 辻彰洋. 1995. オソウシ温泉における珪藻群集. Diatom 11: 80-84.
- 辻彰洋. 1995. 琵琶湖沿岸帯における付着性珪藻群集(1). Diatom 11: 17-23.
- 辻彰洋. 1995. 二重染色法によって作製した透明骨格標本とその教材性の検討. 生物教育 35(3): 207-211.
- 辻彰洋・谷村好洋. 2002. 標本の受け入れについて. Diatom 18: 93-94.
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